
This module contains various value enumerations.

They are all based on IntEnum, which gives them int properties. They can be compared to int and used in places there int is required. Like for example, protobuf message. They also provide a easy way to resolve a name or value for a specific enum.

>>> EResult.OK
<EResult.OK: 1>
>>> EResult(1)
<EResult.OK: 1>
>>> EResult['OK']
<EResult.OK: 1>
>>> EResult.OK == 1


all enums from steam.enum.common can be imported directly from steam.enum


class steam.enums.common.EResult

Doc: https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/api/steam_api#EResult

Invalid = 0
OK = 1


Fail = 2

generic failure

NoConnection = 3

no/failed network connection

InvalidPassword = 5

password/ticket is invalid

LoggedInElsewhere = 6

same user logged in elsewhere

InvalidProtocolVer = 7

protocol version is incorrect

InvalidParam = 8

a parameter is incorrect

FileNotFound = 9

file was not found

Busy = 10

called method busy - action not taken

InvalidState = 11

called object was in an invalid state

InvalidName = 12

name is invalid

InvalidEmail = 13

email is invalid

DuplicateName = 14

name is not unique

AccessDenied = 15

access is denied

Timeout = 16

operation timed out

Banned = 17

VAC2 banned

AccountNotFound = 18

account not found

InvalidSteamID = 19

steamID is invalid

ServiceUnavailable = 20

The requested service is currently unavailable

NotLoggedOn = 21

The user is not logged on

Pending = 22

Request is pending (may be in process, or waiting on third party)

EncryptionFailure = 23

Encryption or Decryption failed

InsufficientPrivilege = 24

Insufficient privilege

LimitExceeded = 25

Too much of a good thing

Revoked = 26

Access has been revoked (used for revoked guest passes)

Expired = 27

License/Guest pass the user is trying to access is expired

AlreadyRedeemed = 28

Guest pass has already been redeemed by account, cannot be acked again

DuplicateRequest = 29

The request is a duplicate and the action has already occurred in the past, ignored this time

AlreadyOwned = 30

All the games in this guest pass redemption request are already owned by the user

IPNotFound = 31

IP address not found

PersistFailed = 32

failed to write change to the data store

LockingFailed = 33

failed to acquire access lock for this operation

LogonSessionReplaced = 34
ConnectFailed = 35
HandshakeFailed = 36
IOFailure = 37
RemoteDisconnect = 38
ShoppingCartNotFound = 39

failed to find the shopping cart requested

Blocked = 40

a user didn’t allow it

Ignored = 41

target is ignoring sender

NoMatch = 42

nothing matching the request found

AccountDisabled = 43
ServiceReadOnly = 44

this service is not accepting content changes right now

AccountNotFeatured = 45

account doesn’t have value, so this feature isn’t available

AdministratorOK = 46

allowed to take this action, but only because requester is admin

ContentVersion = 47

A Version mismatch in content transmitted within the Steam protocol.

TryAnotherCM = 48

The current CM can’t service the user making a request, user should try another.

PasswordRequiredToKickSession = 49

You are already logged in elsewhere, this cached credential login has failed.

AlreadyLoggedInElsewhere = 50

You are already logged in elsewhere, you must wait

Suspended = 51

Long running operation (content download) suspended/paused

Cancelled = 52

Operation canceled (typically by user: content download)

DataCorruption = 53

Operation canceled because data is ill formed or unrecoverable

DiskFull = 54

Operation canceled - not enough disk space.

RemoteCallFailed = 55

an remote call or IPC call failed

PasswordUnset = 56

Password could not be verified as it’s unset server side

ExternalAccountUnlinked = 57

External account (PSN, Facebook…) is not linked to a Steam account

PSNTicketInvalid = 58

PSN ticket was invalid

ExternalAccountAlreadyLinked = 59

External account (PSN, Facebook…) is already linked to some other account, must explicitly request to replace/delete the link first

RemoteFileConflict = 60

The sync cannot resume due to a conflict between the local and remote files

IllegalPassword = 61

The requested new password is not legal

SameAsPreviousValue = 62

new value is the same as the old one ( secret question and answer )

AccountLogonDenied = 63

account login denied due to 2nd factor authentication failure

CannotUseOldPassword = 64

The requested new password is not legal

InvalidLoginAuthCode = 65

account login denied due to auth code invalid

AccountLogonDeniedNoMail = 66

account login denied due to 2nd factor auth failure - and no mail has been sent

HardwareNotCapableOfIPT = 67
IPTInitError = 68
ParentalControlRestricted = 69

operation failed due to parental control restrictions for current user

FacebookQueryError = 70

Facebook query returned an error

ExpiredLoginAuthCode = 71

account login denied due to auth code expired

IPLoginRestrictionFailed = 72
AccountLockedDown = 73
AccountLogonDeniedVerifiedEmailRequired = 74
NoMatchingURL = 75
BadResponse = 76

parse failure, missing field, etc.

RequirePasswordReEntry = 77

The user cannot complete the action until they re-enter their password

ValueOutOfRange = 78

the value entered is outside the acceptable range

UnexpectedError = 79

something happened that we didn’t expect to ever happen

Disabled = 80

The requested service has been configured to be unavailable

InvalidCEGSubmission = 81

The set of files submitted to the CEG server are not valid !

RestrictedDevice = 82

The device being used is not allowed to perform this action

RegionLocked = 83

The action could not be complete because it is region restricted

RateLimitExceeded = 84

Temporary rate limit exceeded, try again later, different from k_EResultLimitExceeded which may be permanent

AccountLoginDeniedNeedTwoFactor = 85

Need two-factor code to login

ItemDeleted = 86

The thing we’re trying to access has been deleted

AccountLoginDeniedThrottle = 87

login attempt failed, try to throttle response to possible attacker

TwoFactorCodeMismatch = 88

two factor code mismatch

TwoFactorActivationCodeMismatch = 89

activation code for two-factor didn’t match

AccountAssociatedToMultiplePartners = 90

account has been associated with multiple partners

NotModified = 91

data not modified

NoMobileDevice = 92

the account does not have a mobile device associated with it

TimeNotSynced = 93

the time presented is out of range or tolerance

SMSCodeFailed = 94

SMS code failure (no match, none pending, etc.)

AccountLimitExceeded = 95

Too many accounts access this resource

AccountActivityLimitExceeded = 96

Too many changes to this account

PhoneActivityLimitExceeded = 97

Too many changes to this phone

RefundToWallet = 98

Cannot refund to payment method, must use wallet

EmailSendFailure = 99

Cannot send an email

NotSettled = 100

Can’t perform operation till payment has settled

NeedCaptcha = 101

Needs to provide a valid captcha

GSLTDenied = 102

a game server login token owned by this token’s owner has been banned

GSOwnerDenied = 103

game server owner is denied for other reason (account lock, community ban, vac ban, missing phone)

InvalidItemType = 104

the type of thing we were requested to act on is invalid

IPBanned = 105

the ip address has been banned from taking this action

GSLTExpired = 106

this token has expired from disuse; can be reset for use

InsufficientFunds = 107

user doesn’t have enough wallet funds to complete the action

TooManyPending = 108

There are too many of this thing pending already

NoSiteLicensesFound = 109

No site licenses found

WGNetworkSendExceeded = 110

the WG couldn’t send a response because we exceeded max network send size

AccountNotFriends = 111
LimitedUserAccount = 112
CantRemoveItem = 113
AccountHasBeenDeleted = 114
AccountHasAnExistingUserCancelledLicense = 115
class steam.enums.common.EUniverse

Doc: https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/api/steam_api#EUniverse

Invalid = 0
Public = 1
Beta = 2
Internal = 3
Dev = 4
Max = 6
class steam.enums.common.EType

Doc: https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/api/steam_api#EAccountType

Invalid = 0

Used for invalid Steam IDs

Individual = 1

single user account

Multiseat = 2

multiseat (e.g. cybercafe) account

GameServer = 3

game server account

AnonGameServer = 4

anonymous game server account

Pending = 5


ContentServer = 6

content server

Clan = 7

Steam Group (clan)

Chat = 8

Steam group chat or lobby

ConsoleUser = 9

Fake SteamID for local PSN account on PS3 or Live account on 360, etc

AnonUser = 10

Anonymous user account. (Used to create an account or reset a password)

Max = 11
class steam.enums.common.EInstanceFlag

An enumeration.

MMSLobby = 131072
Lobby = 262144
Clan = 524288
class steam.enums.common.EVanityUrlType

An enumeration.

Individual = 1
Group = 2
GameGroup = 3
class steam.enums.common.EServerType

An enumeration.

Other_Util = -2
Other_Client = -3
Other_CServer = -4
Other_CEconBase = -5
Invalid = -1
Shell = 0
GM = 1
BUM = 2
AM = 3
BS = 4
VS = 5
ATS = 6
CM = 7
FBS = 8
BoxMonitor = 9
SS = 10
DRMS = 11
Console = 13
PICS = 14
Client = 15
contentstats = 16
DP = 17
WG = 18
SM = 19
SLC = 20
UFS = 21
Util = 23
DSS = 24
Community = 24
AppInformation = 26
Spare = 27
FTS = 28
SiteLicense = 29
PS = 30
IS = 31
CCS = 32
DFS = 33
LBS = 34
MDS = 35
CS = 36
GC = 37
NS = 38
OGS = 39
WebAPI = 40
UDS = 41
MMS = 42
GMS = 43
KGS = 44
UCM = 45
RM = 46
FS = 47
Econ = 48
Backpack = 49
UGS = 50
StoreFeature = 51
MoneyStats = 52
CRE = 53
UMQ = 54
Workshop = 55
BRP = 56
GCH = 57
MPAS = 58
Trade = 59
Secrets = 60
Logsink = 61
Market = 62
Quest = 63
WDS = 64
ACS = 65
PNP = 66
TaxForm = 67
ExternalMonitor = 68
Parental = 69
PartnerUpload = 70
Partner = 71
ES = 72
DepotWebContent = 73
ExternalConfig = 74
GameNotifications = 75
MarketRepl = 76
MarketSearch = 77
Localization = 78
Steam2Emulator = 79
PublicTest = 80
SolrMgr = 81
BroadcastIngester = 82
BroadcastDirectory = 83
VideoManager = 84
TradeOffer = 85
BroadcastChat = 86
Phone = 87
AccountScore = 88
Support = 89
LogRequest = 90
LogWorker = 91
EmailDelivery = 92
InventoryManagement = 93
Auth = 94
StoreCatalog = 95
HLTVRelay = 96
IDLS = 97
Perf = 98
ItemInventory = 99
Watchdog = 100
AccountHistory = 101
Chat = 102
Shader = 103
AccountHardware = 104
WebRTC = 105
Giveaway = 106
ChatRoom = 107
VoiceChat = 108
QMS = 109
Trust = 110
TimeMachine = 111
VACDBMaster = 112
ContentServerConfig = 113
Minigame = 114
MLTrain = 115
VACTest = 116
TaxService = 117
MLInference = 118
UGSAggregate = 119
TURN = 120
RemoteClient = 121
BroadcastOrigin = 122
BroadcastChannel = 123
SteamAR = 124
China = 125
CrashDump = 126
Max = 127
class steam.enums.common.EOSType

An enumeration.

Unknown = -1
Web = -700
IOSUnknown = -600
IOS1 = -599
IOS2 = -598
IOS3 = -597
IOS4 = -596
IOS5 = -595
IOS6 = -594
IOS6_1 = -593
IOS7 = -592
IOS7_1 = -591
IOS8 = -590
IOS8_1 = -589
IOS8_2 = -588
IOS8_3 = -587
IOS8_4 = -586
IOS9 = -585
IOS9_1 = -584
IOS9_2 = -583
IOS9_3 = -582
IOS10 = -581
IOS10_1 = -580
IOS10_2 = -579
IOS10_3 = -578
IOS11 = -577
IOS11_1 = -576
IOS11_2 = -575
IOS11_3 = -574
IOS11_4 = -573
IOS12 = -572
IOS12_1 = -571
AndroidUnknown = -500
Android6 = -499
Android7 = -498
Android8 = -497
Android9 = -496
UMQ = -400
PS3 = -300
MacOSUnknown = -102
MacOS104 = -101
MacOS105 = -100
MacOS1058 = -99
MacOS106 = -95
MacOS1063 = -94
MacOS1064_slgu = -93
MacOS1067 = -92
MacOS107 = -90
MacOS108 = -89
MacOS109 = -88
MacOS1010 = -87
MacOS1011 = -86
MacOS1012 = -85
Macos1013 = -84
Macos1014 = -83
Macos1015 = -82
MacOSMax = -1
LinuxUnknown = -203
Linux22 = -202
Linux24 = -201
Linux26 = -200
Linux32 = -199
Linux35 = -198
Linux36 = -197
Linux310 = -196
Linux316 = -195
Linux318 = -194
Linux3x = -193
Linux4x = -192
Linux41 = -191
Linux44 = -190
Linux49 = -189
Linux414 = -188
Linux419 = -187
Linux5x = -186
LinuxMax = -101
WinUnknown = 0
Win311 = 1
Win95 = 2
Win98 = 3
WinME = 4
WinNT = 5
Win2000 = 6
WinXP = 7
Win2003 = 8
WinVista = 9
Windows7 = 10
Win2008 = 11
Win2012 = 12
Windows8 = 13
Windows81 = 14
Win2012R2 = 15
Windows10 = 16
Win2016 = 17
WinMAX = 18
Max = 26
class steam.enums.common.EFriendRelationship

An enumeration.

NONE = 0
Blocked = 1
RequestRecipient = 2
Friend = 3
RequestInitiator = 4
Ignored = 5
IgnoredFriend = 6
SuggestedFriend_DEPRECATED = 7
Max = 8
class steam.enums.common.EAccountFlags

An enumeration.

NormalUser = 0
PersonaNameSet = 1
Unbannable = 2
PasswordSet = 4
Support = 8
Admin = 16
Supervisor = 32
AppEditor = 64
HWIDSet = 128
PersonalQASet = 256
VacBeta = 512
Debug = 1024
Disabled = 2048
LimitedUser = 4096
LimitedUserForce = 8192
EmailValidated = 16384
MarketingTreatment = 32768
OGGInviteOptOut = 65536
ForcePasswordChange = 131072
ForceEmailVerification = 262144
LogonExtraSecurity = 524288
LogonExtraSecurityDisabled = 1048576
Steam2MigrationComplete = 2097152
NeedLogs = 4194304
Lockdown = 8388608
MasterAppEditor = 16777216
BannedFromWebAPI = 33554432
ClansOnlyFromFriends = 67108864
GlobalModerator = 134217728
ParentalSettings = 268435456
ThirdPartySupport = 536870912
NeedsSSANextSteamLogon = 1073741824
class steam.enums.common.EFriendFlags

An enumeration.

NONE = 0
Blocked = 1
FriendshipRequested = 2
Immediate = 4
ClanMember = 8
OnGameServer = 16
RequestingFriendship = 128
RequestingInfo = 256
Ignored = 512
IgnoredFriend = 1024
Suggested = 2048
ChatMember = 4096
FlagAll = 65535
class steam.enums.common.EPersonaState

An enumeration.

Offline = 0
Online = 1
Busy = 2
Away = 3
Snooze = 4
LookingToTrade = 5
LookingToPlay = 6
Invisible = 7
Max = 8
class steam.enums.common.EPersonaStateFlag

An enumeration.

HasRichPresence = 1
InJoinableGame = 2
Golden = 4
RemotePlayTogether = 8
ClientTypeWeb = 256
ClientTypeMobile = 512
ClientTypeTenfoot = 1024
ClientTypeVR = 2048
LaunchTypeGamepad = 4096
LaunchTypeCompatTool = 8192
class steam.enums.common.EClientPersonaStateFlag

An enumeration.

Status = 1
PlayerName = 2
QueryPort = 4
SourceID = 8
Presence = 16
Metadata = 32
LastSeen = 64
ClanInfo = 128
GameExtraInfo = 256
GameDataBlob = 512
ClanTag = 1024
Facebook = 2048
RichPresence = 4096
Broadcast = 8192
Watching = 16384
class steam.enums.common.ELeaderboardDataRequest

An enumeration.

Global = 0
GlobalAroundUser = 1
Friends = 2
Users = 3
class steam.enums.common.ELeaderboardSortMethod

An enumeration.

NONE = 0
Ascending = 1
Descending = 2
class steam.enums.common.ELeaderboardDisplayType

An enumeration.

NONE = 0
Numeric = 1
TimeSeconds = 2
TimeMilliSeconds = 3
class steam.enums.common.ELeaderboardUploadScoreMethod

An enumeration.

NONE = 0
KeepBest = 1
ForceUpdate = 2
class steam.enums.common.ETwoFactorTokenType

An enumeration.

NONE = 0
ValveMobileApp = 1
ThirdParty = 2
class steam.enums.common.EChatEntryType

Doc: https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/api/steam_api#EChatEntryType

Invalid = 0
ChatMsg = 1

Normal text message from another user

Typing = 2

Another user is typing (not used in multi-user chat)

InviteGame = 3

Invite from other user into that users current game

Emote = 4

text emote message (deprecated, should be treated as ChatMsg)

LobbyGameStart = 5

lobby game is starting (dead - listen for LobbyGameCreated_t callback instead)

LeftConversation = 6

user has left the conversation ( closed chat window )

Entered = 7

user has entered the conversation (used in multi-user chat and group chat)

WasKicked = 8

user was kicked (data: 64-bit steamid of actor performing the kick)

WasBanned = 9

user was banned (data: 64-bit steamid of actor performing the ban)

Disconnected = 10

user disconnected

HistoricalChat = 11

a chat message from user’s chat history or offilne message

Reserved1 = 12

No longer used

Reserved2 = 13

No longer used

LinkBlocked = 14

a link was removed by the chat filter.

class steam.enums.common.EChatRoomEnterResponse

Doc: https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/api/steam_api#EChatRoomEnterResponse

Success = 1


DoesntExist = 2

Chat doesn’t exist (probably closed)

NotAllowed = 3

General Denied - You don’t have the permissions needed to join the chat

Full = 4

Chat room has reached its maximum size

Error = 5

Unexpected Error

Banned = 6

You are banned from this chat room and may not join

Limited = 7

Joining this chat is not allowed because you are a limited user (no value on account)

ClanDisabled = 8

Attempt to join a clan chat when the clan is locked or disabled

CommunityBan = 9

Attempt to join a chat when the user has a community lock on their account

MemberBlockedYou = 10

Join failed - some member in the chat has blocked you from joining

YouBlockedMember = 11

Join failed - you have blocked some member already in the chat

NoRankingDataLobby = 12

No longer used

NoRankingDataUser = 13

No longer used

RankOutOfRange = 14

No longer used

RatelimitExceeded = 15

Join failed - to many join attempts in a very short period of time

class steam.enums.common.ECurrencyCode

An enumeration.

Invalid = 0
USD = 1
GBP = 2
EUR = 3
CHF = 4
RUB = 5
PLN = 6
BRL = 7
JPY = 8
NOK = 9
IDR = 10
MYR = 11
PHP = 12
SGD = 13
THB = 14
VND = 15
KRW = 16
TRY = 17
UAH = 18
MXN = 19
CAD = 20
AUD = 21
NZD = 22
CNY = 23
INR = 24
CLP = 25
PEN = 26
COP = 27
ZAR = 28
HKD = 29
TWD = 30
SAR = 31
AED = 32
SEK = 33
ARS = 34
ILS = 35
BYN = 36
KZT = 37
KWD = 38
QAR = 39
CRC = 40
UYU = 41
Max = 42
class steam.enums.common.EDepotFileFlag

An enumeration.

UserConfig = 1
VersionedUserConfig = 2
Encrypted = 4
ReadOnly = 8
Hidden = 16
Executable = 32
Directory = 64
CustomExecutable = 128
InstallScript = 256
class steam.enums.common.EProtoAppType

An enumeration.

Invalid = 0
Game = 1
Application = 2
Tool = 4
Demo = 8
Deprected = 16
DLC = 32
Guide = 64
Driver = 128
Config = 256
Hardware = 512
Franchise = 1024
Video = 2048
Plugin = 4096
MusicAlbum = 8192
Series = 16384
Comic = 32768
Beta = 65536
Shortcut = 1073741824
DepotOnly = -2147483648
class steam.enums.common.EPublishedFileInappropriateProvider

An enumeration.

Invalid = 0
Google = 1
Amazon = 2
class steam.enums.common.EPublishedFileInappropriateResult

An enumeration.

NotScanned = 0
VeryUnlikely = 1
Unlikely = 30
Possible = 50
Likely = 75
VeryLikely = 100
class steam.enums.common.EPublishedFileQueryType

An enumeration.

RankedByVote = 0
RankedByPublicationDate = 1
AcceptedForGameRankedByAcceptanceDate = 2
RankedByTrend = 3
FavoritedByFriendsRankedByPublicationDate = 4
CreatedByFriendsRankedByPublicationDate = 5
RankedByNumTimesReported = 6
CreatedByFollowedUsersRankedByPublicationDate = 7
NotYetRated = 8
RankedByTotalUniqueSubscriptions = 9
RankedByTotalVotesAsc = 10
RankedByVotesUp = 11
RankedByTextSearch = 12
RankedByPlaytimeTrend = 13
RankedByTotalPlaytime = 14
RankedByAveragePlaytimeTrend = 15
RankedByLifetimeAveragePlaytime = 16
RankedByPlaytimeSessionsTrend = 17
RankedByLifetimePlaytimeSessions = 18
RankedByInappropriateContentRating = 19
class steam.enums.common.EUserBadge

An enumeration.

Invalid = 0
YearsOfService = 1
Community = 2
Portal2PotatoARG = 3
TreasureHunt = 4
SummerSale2011 = 5
WinterSale2011 = 6
SummerSale2012 = 7
WinterSale2012 = 8
CommunityTranslator = 9
CommunityModerator = 10
ValveEmployee = 11
GameDeveloper = 12
GameCollector = 13
TradingCardBetaParticipant = 14
SteamBoxBeta = 15
Summer2014RedTeam = 16
Summer2014BlueTeam = 17
Summer2014PinkTeam = 18
Summer2014GreenTeam = 19
Summer2014PurpleTeam = 20
Auction2014 = 21
GoldenProfile2014 = 22
TowerAttackMiniGame = 23
Winter2015ARG_RedHerring = 24
SteamAwards2016Nominations = 25
StickerCompletionist2017 = 26
SteamAwards2017Nominations = 27
SpringCleaning2018 = 28
Salien = 29
RetiredModerator = 30
SteamAwards2018Nominations = 31
ValveModerator = 32
WinterSale2018 = 33
LunarNewYearSale2019 = 34
LunarNewYearSale2019GoldenProfile = 35
SpringCleaning2019 = 36
SummerSale2019 = 37
SummerSale2019_TeamHare = 38
SummerSale2019_TeamTortoise = 39
SummerSale2019_TeamCorgi = 40
SummerSale2019_TeamCockatiel = 41
SummerSale2019_TeamPig = 42
SteamAwards2019Nominations = 43
WinterSaleEvent2019 = 44
class steam.enums.common.WorkshopEnumerationType

An enumeration.

RankedByVote = 0
Recent = 1
Trending = 2
FavoriteOfFriends = 3
VotedByFriends = 4
ContentByFriends = 5
RecentFromFollowedUsers = 6
class steam.enums.common.EPublishedFileVisibility

An enumeration.

Public = 0
FriendsOnly = 1
Private = 2
class steam.enums.common.EWorkshopFileType

An enumeration.

First = 0
Community = 0
Microtransaction = 1
Collection = 2
Art = 3
Video = 4
Screenshot = 5
Game = 6
Software = 7
Concept = 8
WebGuide = 9
IntegratedGuide = 10
Merch = 11
ControllerBinding = 12
SteamworksAccessInvite = 13
SteamVideo = 14
GameManagedItem = 15
Max = 16
class steam.enums.common.EAppType

An enumeration.

Invalid = 0
Game = 1
Application = 2
Tool = 4
Demo = 8
Deprected = 16
DLC = 32
Guide = 64
Driver = 128
Config = 256
Hardware = 512
Franchise = 1024
Video = 2048
Plugin = 4096
Music = 8192
Series = 16384
Comic = 32768
Beta = 65536
Shortcut = 1073741824
DepotOnly = -2147483648
class steam.enums.common.EClientUIMode

An enumeration.

Desktop = 0
BigPicture = 1
Mobile = 2
Web = 3
class steam.enums.common.EPurchaseResultDetail

An enumeration.

NoDetail = 0
AVSFailure = 1
InsufficientFunds = 2
ContactSupport = 3
Timeout = 4
InvalidPackage = 5
InvalidPaymentMethod = 6
InvalidData = 7
OthersInProgress = 8
AlreadyPurchased = 9
WrongPrice = 10
FraudCheckFailed = 11
CancelledByUser = 12
RestrictedCountry = 13
BadActivationCode = 14
DuplicateActivationCode = 15
UseOtherPaymentMethod = 16
UseOtherFunctionSource = 17
InvalidShippingAddress = 18
RegionNotSupported = 19
AcctIsBlocked = 20
AcctNotVerified = 21
InvalidAccount = 22
StoreBillingCountryMismatch = 23
DoesNotOwnRequiredApp = 24
CanceledByNewTransaction = 25
ForceCanceledPending = 26
FailCurrencyTransProvider = 27
FailedCyberCafe = 28
NeedsPreApproval = 29
PreApprovalDenied = 30
WalletCurrencyMismatch = 31
EmailNotValidated = 32
ExpiredCard = 33
TransactionExpired = 34
WouldExceedMaxWallet = 35
MustLoginPS3AppForPurchase = 36
CannotShipToPOBox = 37
InsufficientInventory = 38
CannotGiftShippedGoods = 39
CannotShipInternationally = 40
BillingAgreementCancelled = 41
InvalidCoupon = 42
ExpiredCoupon = 43
AccountLocked = 44
OtherAbortableInProgress = 45
ExceededSteamLimit = 46
OverlappingPackagesInCart = 47
NoWallet = 48
NoCachedPaymentMethod = 49
CannotRedeemCodeFromClient = 50
PurchaseAmountNoSupportedByProvider = 51
OverlappingPackagesInPendingTransaction = 52
RateLimited = 53
OwnsExcludedApp = 54
CreditCardBinMismatchesType = 55
CartValueTooHigh = 56
BillingAgreementAlreadyExists = 57
POSACodeNotActivated = 58
CannotShipToCountry = 59
HungTransactionCancelled = 60
PaypalInternalError = 61
UnknownGlobalCollectError = 62
InvalidTaxAddress = 63
PhysicalProductLimitExceeded = 64
PurchaseCannotBeReplayed = 65
DelayedCompletion = 66
BundleTypeCannotBeGifted = 67
BlockedByUSGov = 68
ItemsReservedForCommercialUse = 69
GiftAlreadyOwned = 70
GiftInvalidForRecipientRegion = 71
GiftPricingImbalance = 72
GiftRecipientNotSpecified = 73
ItemsNotAllowedForCommercialUse = 74
BusinessStoreCountryCodeMismatch = 75
UserAssociatedWithManyCafes = 76
UserNotAssociatedWithCafe = 77
AddressInvalid = 78
CreditCardNumberInvalid = 79
CannotShipToMilitaryPostOffice = 80
BillingNameInvalidResemblesCreditCard = 81
PaymentMethodTemporarilyUnavailable = 82
PaymentMethodNotSupportedForProduct = 83
class steam.enums.common.ELicenseFlags

An enumeration.

NONE = 0
Renew = 1
RenewalFailed = 2
Pending = 4
Expired = 8
CancelledByUser = 16
CancelledByAdmin = 32
LowViolenceContent = 64
ImportedFromSteam2 = 128
ForceRunRestriction = 256
RegionRestrictionExpired = 512
CancelledByFriendlyFraudLock = 1024
NotActivated = 2048
class steam.enums.common.ELicenseType

An enumeration.

NoLicense = 0
SinglePurchase = 1
SinglePurchaseLimitedUse = 2
RecurringCharge = 3
RecurringChargeLimitedUse = 4
RecurringChargeLimitedUseWithOverages = 5
RecurringOption = 6
LimitedUseDelayedActivation = 7
class steam.enums.common.EBillingType

An enumeration.

NoCost = 0
BillOnceOnly = 1
BillMonthly = 2
ProofOfPrepurchaseOnly = 3
GuestPass = 4
HardwarePromo = 5
Gift = 6
AutoGrant = 7
OEMTicket = 8
RecurringOption = 9
BillOnceOrCDKey = 10
Repurchaseable = 11
FreeOnDemand = 12
Rental = 13
CommercialLicense = 14
FreeCommercialLicense = 15
NumBillingTypes = 16
class steam.enums.common.EPaymentMethod

An enumeration.

NONE = 0
ActivationCode = 1
CreditCard = 2
Giropay = 3
PayPal = 4
Ideal = 5
PaySafeCard = 6
Sofort = 7
GuestPass = 8
WebMoney = 9
MoneyBookers = 10
AliPay = 11
Yandex = 12
Kiosk = 13
Qiwi = 14
GameStop = 15
HardwarePromo = 16
MoPay = 17
BoletoBancario = 18
BoaCompraGold = 19
BancoDoBrasilOnline = 20
ItauOnline = 21
BradescoOnline = 22
Pagseguro = 23
VisaBrazil = 24
AmexBrazil = 25
Aura = 26
Hipercard = 27
MastercardBrazil = 28
DinersCardBrazil = 29
AuthorizedDevice = 30
MOLPoints = 31
ClickAndBuy = 32
Beeline = 33
Konbini = 34
EClubPoints = 35
CreditCardJapan = 36
BankTransferJapan = 37
PayEasy = 38
Zong = 39
CultureVoucher = 40
BookVoucher = 41
HappymoneyVoucher = 42
ConvenientStoreVoucher = 43
GameVoucher = 44
Multibanco = 45
Payshop = 46
MaestroBoaCompra = 47
OXXO = 48
ToditoCash = 49
Carnet = 50
SPEI = 51
ThreePay = 52
IsBank = 53
Garanti = 54
Akbank = 55
YapiKredi = 56
Halkbank = 57
BankAsya = 58
Finansbank = 59
DenizBank = 60
PTT = 61
CashU = 62
AutoGrant = 64
WebMoneyJapan = 65
OneCard = 66
PSE = 67
Exito = 68
Efecty = 69
Paloto = 70
PinValidda = 71
MangirKart = 72
BancoCreditoDePeru = 73
BBVAContinental = 74
SafetyPay = 75
PagoEfectivo = 76
Trustly = 77
UnionPay = 78
BitCoin = 79
Wallet = 128
Valve = 129
MasterComp = 130
Promotional = 131
MasterSubscription = 134
Payco = 135
MobileWalletJapan = 136
OEMTicket = 256
Split = 512
Complimentary = 1024
class steam.enums.common.EPackageStatus

An enumeration.

Available = 0
Preorder = 1
Unavailable = 2
Invalid = 3


The EMsg enum contains many members and takes a bit to load. For this reason it is seperate, and imported only when needed.

class steam.enums.emsg.EMsg

An enumeration.

Invalid = 0
Multi = 1
ProtobufWrapped = 2
GenericReply = 100
BaseGeneral = 100
DestJobFailed = 113
Alert = 115
SCIDRequest = 120
SCIDResponse = 121
JobHeartbeat = 123
HubConnect = 124
Subscribe = 126
RouteMessage = 127
RemoteSysID = 128


AMCreateAccountResponse = 129


WGRequest = 130
WGResponse = 131
KeepAlive = 132
WebAPIJobRequest = 133
WebAPIJobResponse = 134
ClientSessionStart = 135
ClientSessionEnd = 136
ClientSessionUpdate = 137
StatsDeprecated = 138
Ping = 139
PingResponse = 140
Stats = 141
RequestFullStatsBlock = 142
LoadDBOCacheItem = 143
LoadDBOCacheItemResponse = 144
InvalidateDBOCacheItems = 145
ServiceMethod = 146
ServiceMethodResponse = 147
ClientPackageVersions = 148
TimestampRequest = 149
TimestampResponse = 150
ServiceMethodCallFromClient = 151
ServiceMethodSendToClient = 152
AssignSysID = 200
BaseShell = 200
Exit = 201
DirRequest = 202
DirResponse = 203
ZipRequest = 204
ZipResponse = 205
UpdateRecordResponse = 215
UpdateCreditCardRequest = 221
UpdateUserBanResponse = 225
PrepareToExit = 226
ContentDescriptionUpdate = 227
TestResetServer = 228
UniverseChanged = 229
ShellConfigInfoUpdate = 230
RequestWindowsEventLogEntries = 233
ProvideWindowsEventLogEntries = 234
ShellSearchLogs = 235
ShellSearchLogsResponse = 236
ShellCheckWindowsUpdates = 237
ShellCheckWindowsUpdatesResponse = 238
ShellFlushUserLicenseCache = 239


TestFlushDelayedSQL = 240
TestFlushDelayedSQLResponse = 241
EnsureExecuteScheduledTask_TEST = 242
EnsureExecuteScheduledTaskResponse_TEST = 243
UpdateScheduledTaskEnableState_TEST = 244
UpdateScheduledTaskEnableStateResponse_TEST = 245
ContentDescriptionDeltaUpdate = 246
Heartbeat = 300
BaseGM = 300
ShellFailed = 301
ExitShells = 307
ExitShell = 308
GracefulExitShell = 309
LicenseProcessingComplete = 316
SetTestFlag = 317
QueuedEmailsComplete = 318
GMReportPHPError = 319
GMDRMSync = 320
PhysicalBoxInventory = 321
UpdateConfigFile = 322
TestInitDB = 323
GMWriteConfigToSQL = 324
GMLoadActivationCodes = 325
GMQueueForFBS = 326
GMSchemaConversionResults = 327
GMSchemaConversionResultsResponse = 328


GMWriteShellFailureToSQL = 329
GMWriteStatsToSOS = 330
GMGetServiceMethodRouting = 331
GMGetServiceMethodRoutingResponse = 332
GMConvertUserWallets = 333


GMTestNextBuildSchemaConversion = 334
GMTestNextBuildSchemaConversionResponse = 335
ExpectShellRestart = 336
HotFixProgress = 337
BaseAIS = 400
AISRefreshContentDescription = 401


AISRequestContentDescription = 402
AISUpdateAppInfo = 403
AISUpdatePackageCosts = 404


AISGetPackageChangeNumber = 405
AISGetPackageChangeNumberResponse = 406
AISAppInfoTableChanged = 407


AISUpdatePackageCostsResponse = 408


AISCreateMarketingMessage = 409


AISCreateMarketingMessageResponse = 410


AISGetMarketingMessage = 411


AISGetMarketingMessageResponse = 412


AISUpdateMarketingMessage = 413


AISUpdateMarketingMessageResponse = 414


AISRequestMarketingMessageUpdate = 415


AISDeleteMarketingMessage = 416


AISGetMarketingTreatments = 419


AISGetMarketingTreatmentsResponse = 420


AISRequestMarketingTreatmentUpdate = 421


AISTestAddPackage = 422


AIGetAppGCFlags = 423
AIGetAppGCFlagsResponse = 424
AIGetAppList = 425
AIGetAppListResponse = 426
AIGetAppInfo = 427


AIGetAppInfoResponse = 428


AISGetCouponDefinition = 429
AISGetCouponDefinitionResponse = 430
AISUpdateSlaveContentDescription = 431
AISUpdateSlaveContentDescriptionResponse = 432
AISTestEnableGC = 433
BaseAM = 500
AMUpdateUserBanRequest = 504
AMAddLicense = 505
AMBeginProcessingLicenses = 507


AMSendSystemIMToUser = 508
AMExtendLicense = 509
AMAddMinutesToLicense = 510
AMCancelLicense = 511
AMInitPurchase = 512
AMPurchaseResponse = 513
AMGetFinalPrice = 514
AMGetFinalPriceResponse = 515
AMGetLegacyGameKey = 516
AMGetLegacyGameKeyResponse = 517
AMFindHungTransactions = 518
AMSetAccountTrustedRequest = 519
AMCompletePurchase = 521


AMCancelPurchase = 522
AMNewChallenge = 523
AMLoadOEMTickets = 524
AMFixPendingPurchase = 525
AMFixPendingPurchaseResponse = 526
AMIsUserBanned = 527
AMRegisterKey = 528
AMLoadActivationCodes = 529
AMLoadActivationCodesResponse = 530
AMLookupKeyResponse = 531
AMLookupKey = 532
AMChatCleanup = 533
AMClanCleanup = 534
AMFixPendingRefund = 535
AMReverseChargeback = 536
AMReverseChargebackResponse = 537
AMClanCleanupList = 538
AMGetLicenses = 539
AMGetLicensesResponse = 540
AMSendCartRepurchase = 541
AMSendCartRepurchaseResponse = 542
AllowUserToPlayQuery = 550
AllowUserToPlayResponse = 551
AMVerfiyUser = 552
AMClientNotPlaying = 553
AMClientRequestFriendship = 554
AMRelayPublishStatus = 555
AMResetCommunityContent = 556


AMPrimePersonaStateCache = 557


AMAllowUserContentQuery = 558


AMAllowUserContentResponse = 559


AMInitPurchaseResponse = 560
AMRevokePurchaseResponse = 561
AMLockProfile = 562


AMRefreshGuestPasses = 563
AMInviteUserToClan = 564


AMAcknowledgeClanInvite = 565


AMGrantGuestPasses = 566
AMClanDataUpdated = 567
AMReloadAccount = 568
AMClientChatMsgRelay = 569
AMChatMulti = 570
AMClientChatInviteRelay = 571
AMChatInvite = 572
AMClientJoinChatRelay = 573
AMClientChatMemberInfoRelay = 574
AMPublishChatMemberInfo = 575
AMClientAcceptFriendInvite = 576
AMChatEnter = 577
AMClientPublishRemovalFromSource = 578
AMChatActionResult = 579
AMFindAccounts = 580
AMFindAccountsResponse = 581
AMRequestAccountData = 582
AMRequestAccountDataResponse = 583
AMSetAccountFlags = 584
AMCreateClan = 586
AMCreateClanResponse = 587
AMGetClanDetails = 588
AMGetClanDetailsResponse = 589
AMSetPersonaName = 590
AMSetAvatar = 591
AMAuthenticateUser = 592
AMAuthenticateUserResponse = 593
AMGetAccountFriendsCount = 594


AMGetAccountFriendsCountResponse = 595


AMP2PIntroducerMessage = 596
ClientChatAction = 597
AMClientChatActionRelay = 598
ReqChallenge = 600
BaseVS = 600
VACResponse = 601
ReqChallengeTest = 602
VSMarkCheat = 604
VSAddCheat = 605
VSPurgeCodeModDB = 606
VSGetChallengeResults = 607
VSChallengeResultText = 608
VSReportLingerer = 609
VSRequestManagedChallenge = 610
VSLoadDBFinished = 611
BaseDRMS = 625
DRMBuildBlobRequest = 628
DRMBuildBlobResponse = 629
DRMResolveGuidRequest = 630
DRMResolveGuidResponse = 631
DRMVariabilityReport = 633
DRMVariabilityReportResponse = 634
DRMStabilityReport = 635
DRMStabilityReportResponse = 636
DRMDetailsReportRequest = 637
DRMDetailsReportResponse = 638
DRMProcessFile = 639
DRMAdminUpdate = 640
DRMAdminUpdateResponse = 641
DRMSync = 642
DRMSyncResponse = 643
DRMProcessFileResponse = 644
DRMEmptyGuidCache = 645
DRMEmptyGuidCacheResponse = 646
BaseCS = 650
CSUserContentRequest = 652


BaseClient = 700
ClientLogOn_Deprecated = 701


ClientAnonLogOn_Deprecated = 702


ClientHeartBeat = 703
ClientVACResponse = 704
ClientGamesPlayed_obsolete = 705


ClientLogOff = 706
ClientNoUDPConnectivity = 707
ClientInformOfCreateAccount = 708


ClientAckVACBan = 709


ClientConnectionStats = 710
ClientInitPurchase = 711


ClientPingResponse = 712
ClientRemoveFriend = 714
ClientGamesPlayedNoDataBlob = 715
ClientChangeStatus = 716
ClientVacStatusResponse = 717
ClientFriendMsg = 718
ClientGameConnect_obsolete = 719


ClientGamesPlayed2_obsolete = 720


ClientGameEnded_obsolete = 721


ClientGetFinalPrice = 722


ClientSystemIM = 726
ClientSystemIMAck = 727
ClientGetLicenses = 728
ClientCancelLicense = 729


ClientGetLegacyGameKey = 730
ClientContentServerLogOn_Deprecated = 731


ClientAckVACBan2 = 732
ClientAckMessageByGID = 735


ClientGetPurchaseReceipts = 736
ClientAckPurchaseReceipt = 737


ClientGamesPlayed3_obsolete = 738


ClientSendGuestPass = 739


ClientAckGuestPass = 740
ClientRedeemGuestPass = 741
ClientGamesPlayed = 742
ClientRegisterKey = 743
ClientInviteUserToClan = 744
ClientAcknowledgeClanInvite = 745
ClientPurchaseWithMachineID = 746
ClientAppUsageEvent = 747
ClientGetGiftTargetList = 748


ClientGetGiftTargetListResponse = 749


ClientLogOnResponse = 751
ClientVACChallenge = 753


ClientSetHeartbeatRate = 755
ClientNotLoggedOnDeprecated = 756


ClientLoggedOff = 757
GSApprove = 758
GSDeny = 759
GSKick = 760
ClientCreateAcctResponse = 761
ClientPurchaseResponse = 763
ClientPing = 764
ClientNOP = 765
ClientPersonaState = 766
ClientFriendsList = 767
ClientAccountInfo = 768
ClientVacStatusQuery = 770


ClientNewsUpdate = 771
ClientGameConnectDeny = 773
GSStatusReply = 774
ClientGetFinalPriceResponse = 775


ClientGameConnectTokens = 779
ClientLicenseList = 780
ClientCancelLicenseResponse = 781


ClientVACBanStatus = 782
ClientCMList = 783
ClientEncryptPct = 784
ClientGetLegacyGameKeyResponse = 785
ClientFavoritesList = 786


CSUserContentApprove = 787


CSUserContentDeny = 788


ClientInitPurchaseResponse = 789


ClientAddFriend = 791
ClientAddFriendResponse = 792
ClientInviteFriend = 793


ClientInviteFriendResponse = 794


ClientSendGuestPassResponse = 795


ClientAckGuestPassResponse = 796
ClientRedeemGuestPassResponse = 797
ClientUpdateGuestPassesList = 798
ClientChatMsg = 799
ClientChatInvite = 800
ClientJoinChat = 801
ClientChatMemberInfo = 802
ClientLogOnWithCredentials_Deprecated = 803


ClientPasswordChangeResponse = 805
ClientChatEnter = 807
ClientFriendRemovedFromSource = 808
ClientCreateChat = 809
ClientCreateChatResponse = 810
ClientUpdateChatMetadata = 811


ClientP2PIntroducerMessage = 813
ClientChatActionResult = 814
ClientRequestFriendData = 815
ClientGetUserStats = 818
ClientGetUserStatsResponse = 819
ClientStoreUserStats = 820
ClientStoreUserStatsResponse = 821
ClientClanState = 822
ClientServiceModule = 830
ClientServiceCall = 831
ClientServiceCallResponse = 832
ClientPackageInfoRequest = 833


ClientPackageInfoResponse = 834


ClientNatTraversalStatEvent = 839
ClientAppInfoRequest = 840


ClientAppInfoResponse = 841


ClientSteamUsageEvent = 842
ClientCheckPassword = 845
ClientResetPassword = 846
ClientCheckPasswordResponse = 848
ClientResetPasswordResponse = 849
ClientSessionToken = 850
ClientDRMProblemReport = 851
ClientSetIgnoreFriend = 855
ClientSetIgnoreFriendResponse = 856
ClientGetAppOwnershipTicket = 857
ClientGetAppOwnershipTicketResponse = 858
ClientGetLobbyListResponse = 860
ClientGetLobbyMetadata = 861


ClientGetLobbyMetadataResponse = 862


ClientVTTCert = 863


ClientAppInfoUpdate = 866


ClientAppInfoChanges = 867


ClientServerList = 880
ClientEmailChangeResponse = 891


ClientSecretQAChangeResponse = 892


ClientDRMBlobRequest = 896
ClientDRMBlobResponse = 897
ClientLookupKey = 898


ClientLookupKeyResponse = 899


BaseGameServer = 900
GSDisconnectNotice = 901
GSStatus = 903
GSUserPlaying = 905
GSStatus2 = 906
GSStatusUpdate_Unused = 907
GSServerType = 908
GSPlayerList = 909
GSGetUserAchievementStatus = 910
GSGetUserAchievementStatusResponse = 911
GSGetPlayStats = 918
GSGetPlayStatsResponse = 919
GSGetUserGroupStatus = 920
AMGetUserGroupStatus = 921
AMGetUserGroupStatusResponse = 922
GSGetUserGroupStatusResponse = 923
GSGetReputation = 936
GSGetReputationResponse = 937
GSAssociateWithClan = 938
GSAssociateWithClanResponse = 939
GSComputeNewPlayerCompatibility = 940
GSComputeNewPlayerCompatibilityResponse = 941
AdminCmd = 1000
BaseAdmin = 1000
AdminCmdResponse = 1004
AdminLogListenRequest = 1005
AdminLogEvent = 1006
LogSearchRequest = 1007


LogSearchResponse = 1008


LogSearchCancel = 1009


UniverseData = 1010
RequestStatHistory = 1014


StatHistory = 1015


AdminPwLogon = 1017


AdminPwLogonResponse = 1018


AdminSpew = 1019
AdminConsoleTitle = 1020
AdminGCSpew = 1023
AdminGCCommand = 1024
AdminGCGetCommandList = 1025
AdminGCGetCommandListResponse = 1026
FBSConnectionData = 1027
AdminMsgSpew = 1028
FBSReqVersion = 1100
BaseFBS = 1100
FBSVersionInfo = 1101
FBSForceRefresh = 1102
FBSForceBounce = 1103
FBSDeployPackage = 1104
FBSDeployResponse = 1105
FBSUpdateBootstrapper = 1106
FBSSetState = 1107
FBSApplyOSUpdates = 1108
FBSRunCMDScript = 1109
FBSRebootBox = 1110
FBSSetBigBrotherMode = 1111
FBSMinidumpServer = 1112
FBSSetShellCount_obsolete = 1113


FBSDeployHotFixPackage = 1114
FBSDeployHotFixResponse = 1115
FBSDownloadHotFix = 1116
FBSDownloadHotFixResponse = 1117
FBSUpdateTargetConfigFile = 1118
FBSApplyAccountCred = 1119
FBSApplyAccountCredResponse = 1120
FBSSetShellCount = 1121
FBSTerminateShell = 1122
FBSQueryGMForRequest = 1123
FBSQueryGMResponse = 1124
FBSTerminateZombies = 1125
FBSInfoFromBootstrapper = 1126
FBSRebootBoxResponse = 1127
FBSBootstrapperPackageRequest = 1128
FBSBootstrapperPackageResponse = 1129
FBSBootstrapperGetPackageChunk = 1130
FBSBootstrapperGetPackageChunkResponse = 1131
FBSBootstrapperPackageTransferProgress = 1132
FBSRestartBootstrapper = 1133
FBSPauseFrozenDumps = 1134
FileXferRequest = 1200
BaseFileXfer = 1200
FileXferResponse = 1201
FileXferData = 1202
FileXferEnd = 1203
FileXferDataAck = 1204
ChannelAuthChallenge = 1300
BaseChannelAuth = 1300
ChannelAuthResponse = 1301
ChannelAuthResult = 1302
ChannelEncryptRequest = 1303
ChannelEncryptResponse = 1304
ChannelEncryptResult = 1305
BaseBS = 1400
BSPurchaseStart = 1401
BSPurchaseResponse = 1402
BSAuthenticateCCTrans = 1403
BSAuthenticateCCTransResponse = 1404
BSSettleComplete = 1406
BSBannedRequest = 1407


BSInitPayPalTxn = 1408
BSInitPayPalTxnResponse = 1409
BSGetPayPalUserInfo = 1410
BSGetPayPalUserInfoResponse = 1411
BSRefundTxn = 1413


BSRefundTxnResponse = 1414


BSGetEvents = 1415


BSChaseRFRRequest = 1416


BSPaymentInstrBan = 1417
BSPaymentInstrBanResponse = 1418
BSProcessGCReports = 1419


BSProcessPPReports = 1420


BSInitGCBankXferTxn = 1421
BSInitGCBankXferTxnResponse = 1422
BSQueryGCBankXferTxn = 1423


BSQueryGCBankXferTxnResponse = 1424


BSCommitGCTxn = 1425
BSQueryTransactionStatus = 1426
BSQueryTransactionStatusResponse = 1427
BSQueryCBOrderStatus = 1428


BSQueryCBOrderStatusResponse = 1429


BSRunRedFlagReport = 1430


BSQueryPaymentInstUsage = 1431
BSQueryPaymentInstResponse = 1432
BSQueryTxnExtendedInfo = 1433
BSQueryTxnExtendedInfoResponse = 1434
BSUpdateConversionRates = 1435
BSProcessUSBankReports = 1436


BSPurchaseRunFraudChecks = 1437
BSPurchaseRunFraudChecksResponse = 1438
BSStartShippingJobs = 1439


BSQueryBankInformation = 1440
BSQueryBankInformationResponse = 1441
BSValidateXsollaSignature = 1445
BSValidateXsollaSignatureResponse = 1446
BSQiwiWalletInvoice = 1448
BSQiwiWalletInvoiceResponse = 1449
BSUpdateInventoryFromProPack = 1450
BSUpdateInventoryFromProPackResponse = 1451
BSSendShippingRequest = 1452
BSSendShippingRequestResponse = 1453
BSGetProPackOrderStatus = 1454
BSGetProPackOrderStatusResponse = 1455
BSCheckJobRunning = 1456
BSCheckJobRunningResponse = 1457
BSResetPackagePurchaseRateLimit = 1458
BSResetPackagePurchaseRateLimitResponse = 1459
BSUpdatePaymentData = 1460
BSUpdatePaymentDataResponse = 1461
BSGetBillingAddress = 1462
BSGetBillingAddressResponse = 1463
BSGetCreditCardInfo = 1464
BSGetCreditCardInfoResponse = 1465
BSRemoveExpiredPaymentData = 1468
BSRemoveExpiredPaymentDataResponse = 1469
BSConvertToCurrentKeys = 1470
BSConvertToCurrentKeysResponse = 1471
BSInitPurchase = 1472
BSInitPurchaseResponse = 1473
BSCompletePurchase = 1474
BSCompletePurchaseResponse = 1475
BSPruneCardUsageStats = 1476
BSPruneCardUsageStatsResponse = 1477
BSStoreBankInformation = 1478
BSStoreBankInformationResponse = 1479
BSVerifyPOSAKey = 1480
BSVerifyPOSAKeyResponse = 1481
BSReverseRedeemPOSAKey = 1482
BSReverseRedeemPOSAKeyResponse = 1483
BSQueryFindCreditCard = 1484
BSQueryFindCreditCardResponse = 1485
BSStatusInquiryPOSAKey = 1486
BSStatusInquiryPOSAKeyResponse = 1487
BSValidateMoPaySignature = 1488


BSValidateMoPaySignatureResponse = 1489


BSMoPayConfirmProductDelivery = 1490


BSMoPayConfirmProductDeliveryResponse = 1491


BSGenerateMoPayMD5 = 1492


BSGenerateMoPayMD5Response = 1493


BSBoaCompraConfirmProductDelivery = 1494
BSBoaCompraConfirmProductDeliveryResponse = 1495
BSGenerateBoaCompraMD5 = 1496
BSGenerateBoaCompraMD5Response = 1497
BSCommitWPTxn = 1498
BSCommitAdyenTxn = 1499
BaseATS = 1500
ATSStartStressTest = 1501
ATSStopStressTest = 1502
ATSRunFailServerTest = 1503
ATSUFSPerfTestTask = 1504
ATSUFSPerfTestResponse = 1505
ATSCycleTCM = 1506
ATSInitDRMSStressTest = 1507
ATSCallTest = 1508
ATSCallTestReply = 1509
ATSStartExternalStress = 1510
ATSExternalStressJobStart = 1511
ATSExternalStressJobQueued = 1512
ATSExternalStressJobRunning = 1513
ATSExternalStressJobStopped = 1514
ATSExternalStressJobStopAll = 1515
ATSExternalStressActionResult = 1516
ATSStarted = 1517
ATSCSPerfTestTask = 1518
ATSCSPerfTestResponse = 1519
BaseDP = 1600
DPSetPublishingState = 1601
DPGamePlayedStats = 1602


DPUniquePlayersStat = 1603
DPStreamingUniquePlayersStat = 1604
DPVacInfractionStats = 1605


DPVacBanStats = 1606


DPBlockingStats = 1607
DPNatTraversalStats = 1608
DPSteamUsageEvent = 1609


DPVacCertBanStats = 1610


DPVacCafeBanStats = 1611


DPCloudStats = 1612
DPAchievementStats = 1613
DPAccountCreationStats = 1614


DPGetPlayerCount = 1615
DPGetPlayerCountResponse = 1616
DPGameServersPlayersStats = 1617
DPDownloadRateStatistics = 1618


DPFacebookStatistics = 1619


ClientDPCheckSpecialSurvey = 1620
ClientDPCheckSpecialSurveyResponse = 1621
ClientDPSendSpecialSurveyResponse = 1622
ClientDPSendSpecialSurveyResponseReply = 1623
DPStoreSaleStatistics = 1624
ClientDPUpdateAppJobReport = 1625
ClientDPSteam2AppStarted = 1627


DPUpdateContentEvent = 1626
ClientDPUnsignedInstallScript = 1627
DPPartnerMicroTxns = 1628
DPPartnerMicroTxnsResponse = 1629
ClientDPContentStatsReport = 1630
DPVRUniquePlayersStat = 1631
BaseCM = 1700
CMSetAllowState = 1701
CMSpewAllowState = 1702
CMSessionRejected = 1703
CMSetSecrets = 1704
CMGetSecrets = 1705
BaseDSS = 1800


DSSNewFile = 1801


DSSCurrentFileList = 1802


DSSSynchList = 1803


DSSSynchListResponse = 1804


DSSSynchSubscribe = 1805


DSSSynchUnsubscribe = 1806


BaseEPM = 1900


EPMStartProcess = 1901


EPMStopProcess = 1902


EPMRestartProcess = 1903


GCSendClient = 2200


BaseGC = 2200
AMRelayToGC = 2201


GCUpdatePlayedState = 2202


GCCmdRevive = 2203
GCCmdBounce = 2204


GCCmdForceBounce = 2205


GCCmdDown = 2206
GCCmdDeploy = 2207
GCCmdDeployResponse = 2208
GCCmdSwitch = 2209
AMRefreshSessions = 2210
GCUpdateGSState = 2211


GCAchievementAwarded = 2212
GCSystemMessage = 2213
GCValidateSession = 2214


GCValidateSessionResponse = 2215


GCCmdStatus = 2216
GCRegisterWebInterfaces_Deprecated = 2217


GCGetAccountDetails_DEPRECATED = 2218


GCInterAppMessage = 2219
GCGetEmailTemplate = 2220
GCGetEmailTemplateResponse = 2221
GCHRelay = 2222
GCHRelayToClient = 2223
GCHUpdateSession = 2224
GCHRequestUpdateSession = 2225
GCHRequestStatus = 2226
GCHRequestStatusResponse = 2227
GCHAccountVacStatusChange = 2228
GCHSpawnGC = 2229
GCHSpawnGCResponse = 2230
GCHKillGC = 2231
GCHKillGCResponse = 2232
GCHAccountTradeBanStatusChange = 2233
GCHAccountLockStatusChange = 2234
GCHVacVerificationChange = 2235
GCHAccountPhoneNumberChange = 2236
GCHAccountTwoFactorChange = 2237
GCHInviteUserToLobby = 2238
BaseP2P = 2500
P2PIntroducerMessage = 2502
BaseSM = 2900
SMExpensiveReport = 2902
SMHourlyReport = 2903
SMFishingReport = 2904


SMPartitionRenames = 2905
SMMonitorSpace = 2906
SMTestNextBuildSchemaConversion = 2907
SMTestNextBuildSchemaConversionResponse = 2908
BaseTest = 3000
FailServer = 3000
JobHeartbeatTest = 3001
JobHeartbeatTestResponse = 3002
BaseFTSRange = 3100
FTSGetBrowseCounts = 3101


FTSGetBrowseCountsResponse = 3102


FTSBrowseClans = 3103


FTSBrowseClansResponse = 3104


FTSSearchClansByLocation = 3105


FTSSearchClansByLocationResponse = 3106


FTSSearchPlayersByLocation = 3107


FTSSearchPlayersByLocationResponse = 3108


FTSClanDeleted = 3109


FTSSearch = 3110


FTSSearchResponse = 3111


FTSSearchStatus = 3112


FTSSearchStatusResponse = 3113


FTSGetGSPlayStats = 3114


FTSGetGSPlayStatsResponse = 3115


FTSGetGSPlayStatsForServer = 3116


FTSGetGSPlayStatsForServerResponse = 3117


FTSReportIPUpdates = 3118


BaseCCSRange = 3150
CCSGetComments = 3151


CCSGetCommentsResponse = 3152


CCSAddComment = 3153


CCSAddCommentResponse = 3154


CCSDeleteComment = 3155


CCSDeleteCommentResponse = 3156


CCSPreloadComments = 3157


CCSNotifyCommentCount = 3158


CCSGetCommentsForNews = 3159


CCSGetCommentsForNewsResponse = 3160


CCSDeleteAllCommentsByAuthor = 3161
CCSDeleteAllCommentsByAuthorResponse = 3162
BaseLBSRange = 3200
LBSSetScore = 3201
LBSSetScoreResponse = 3202
LBSFindOrCreateLB = 3203
LBSFindOrCreateLBResponse = 3204
LBSGetLBEntries = 3205
LBSGetLBEntriesResponse = 3206
LBSGetLBList = 3207
LBSGetLBListResponse = 3208
LBSSetLBDetails = 3209
LBSDeleteLB = 3210
LBSDeleteLBEntry = 3211
LBSResetLB = 3212
LBSResetLBResponse = 3213
LBSDeleteLBResponse = 3214
BaseOGS = 3400
OGSBeginSession = 3401
OGSBeginSessionResponse = 3402
OGSEndSession = 3403
OGSEndSessionResponse = 3404
OGSWriteAppSessionRow = 3406
BaseBRP = 3600
BRPStartShippingJobs = 3601
BRPProcessUSBankReports = 3602
BRPProcessGCReports = 3603
BRPProcessPPReports = 3604
BRPSettleNOVA = 3605


BRPSettleCB = 3606


BRPCommitGC = 3607
BRPCommitGCResponse = 3608
BRPFindHungTransactions = 3609
BRPCheckFinanceCloseOutDate = 3610
BRPProcessLicenses = 3611
BRPProcessLicensesResponse = 3612
BRPRemoveExpiredPaymentData = 3613
BRPRemoveExpiredPaymentDataResponse = 3614
BRPConvertToCurrentKeys = 3615
BRPConvertToCurrentKeysResponse = 3616
BRPPruneCardUsageStats = 3617
BRPPruneCardUsageStatsResponse = 3618
BRPCheckActivationCodes = 3619
BRPCheckActivationCodesResponse = 3620
BRPCommitWP = 3621
BRPCommitWPResponse = 3622
BRPProcessWPReports = 3623
BRPProcessPaymentRules = 3624
BRPProcessPartnerPayments = 3625
BRPCheckSettlementReports = 3626
BRPPostTaxToAvalara = 3628
BRPPostTransactionTax = 3629
BRPPostTransactionTaxResponse = 3630
BRPProcessIMReports = 3631
BaseAMRange2 = 4000
AMCreateChat = 4001
AMCreateChatResponse = 4002
AMUpdateChatMetadata = 4003


AMPublishChatMetadata = 4004


AMSetProfileURL = 4005
AMGetAccountEmailAddress = 4006
AMGetAccountEmailAddressResponse = 4007
AMRequestClanData = 4008
AMRouteToClients = 4009
AMLeaveClan = 4010
AMClanPermissions = 4011
AMClanPermissionsResponse = 4012
AMCreateClanEventDummyForRateLimiting = 4013
AMUpdateClanEventDummyForRateLimiting = 4015
AMCreateClanEventResponse = 4014
AMUpdateClanEvent = 4015
AMUpdateClanEventResponse = 4016
AMGetClanEvents = 4017
AMGetClanEventsResponse = 4018
AMDeleteClanEvent = 4019
AMDeleteClanEventResponse = 4020
AMSetClanPermissionSettings = 4021
AMSetClanPermissionSettingsResponse = 4022
AMGetClanPermissionSettings = 4023
AMGetClanPermissionSettingsResponse = 4024
AMPublishChatRoomInfo = 4025
ClientChatRoomInfo = 4026
AMCreateClanAnnouncement = 4027


AMCreateClanAnnouncementResponse = 4028


AMUpdateClanAnnouncement = 4029


AMUpdateClanAnnouncementResponse = 4030


AMGetClanAnnouncementsCount = 4031


AMGetClanAnnouncementsCountResponse = 4032


AMGetClanAnnouncements = 4033


AMGetClanAnnouncementsResponse = 4034


AMDeleteClanAnnouncement = 4035


AMDeleteClanAnnouncementResponse = 4036


AMGetSingleClanAnnouncement = 4037


AMGetSingleClanAnnouncementResponse = 4038


AMGetClanHistory = 4039
AMGetClanHistoryResponse = 4040
AMGetClanPermissionBits = 4041
AMGetClanPermissionBitsResponse = 4042
AMSetClanPermissionBits = 4043
AMSetClanPermissionBitsResponse = 4044
AMSessionInfoRequest = 4045
AMSessionInfoResponse = 4046
AMValidateWGToken = 4047
AMGetSingleClanEvent = 4048
AMGetSingleClanEventResponse = 4049
AMGetClanRank = 4050
AMGetClanRankResponse = 4051
AMSetClanRank = 4052
AMSetClanRankResponse = 4053
AMGetClanPOTW = 4054
AMGetClanPOTWResponse = 4055
AMSetClanPOTW = 4056
AMSetClanPOTWResponse = 4057
AMRequestChatMetadata = 4058


AMDumpUser = 4059
AMKickUserFromClan = 4060
AMAddFounderToClan = 4061
AMValidateWGTokenResponse = 4062
AMSetCommunityState = 4063
AMSetAccountDetails = 4064
AMGetChatBanList = 4065
AMGetChatBanListResponse = 4066
AMUnBanFromChat = 4067
AMSetClanDetails = 4068
AMGetAccountLinksResponse = 4070
AMSetAccountLinksResponse = 4072
UGSGetUserGameStats = 4073
UGSGetUserGameStatsResponse = 4074
AMCheckClanMembership = 4075
AMGetClanMembers = 4076
AMGetClanMembersResponse = 4077
AMJoinPublicClan = 4078
AMNotifyChatOfClanChange = 4079
AMResubmitPurchase = 4080
AMAddFriend = 4081
AMAddFriendResponse = 4082
AMRemoveFriend = 4083
AMDumpClan = 4084
AMChangeClanOwner = 4085
AMCancelEasyCollect = 4086
AMCancelEasyCollectResponse = 4087
AMGetClanMembershipList = 4088


AMGetClanMembershipListResponse = 4089


AMClansInCommon = 4090
AMClansInCommonResponse = 4091
AMIsValidAccountID = 4092
AMConvertClan = 4093
AMGetGiftTargetListRelay = 4094


AMWipeFriendsList = 4095
AMSetIgnored = 4096
AMClansInCommonCountResponse = 4097
AMFriendsList = 4098
AMFriendsListResponse = 4099
AMFriendsInCommon = 4100
AMFriendsInCommonResponse = 4101
AMFriendsInCommonCountResponse = 4102
AMClansInCommonCount = 4103
AMChallengeVerdict = 4104
AMChallengeNotification = 4105
AMFindGSByIP = 4106
AMFoundGSByIP = 4107
AMGiftRevoked = 4108
AMCreateAccountRecord = 4109
AMUserClanList = 4110
AMUserClanListResponse = 4111
AMGetAccountDetails2 = 4112
AMGetAccountDetailsResponse2 = 4113
AMSetCommunityProfileSettings = 4114
AMSetCommunityProfileSettingsResponse = 4115
AMGetCommunityPrivacyState = 4116
AMGetCommunityPrivacyStateResponse = 4117
AMCheckClanInviteRateLimiting = 4118
UGSGetUserAchievementStatus = 4119
AMGetIgnored = 4120
AMGetIgnoredResponse = 4121
AMSetIgnoredResponse = 4122
AMSetFriendRelationshipNone = 4123
AMGetFriendRelationship = 4124
AMGetFriendRelationshipResponse = 4125
AMServiceModulesCache = 4126
AMServiceModulesCall = 4127
AMServiceModulesCallResponse = 4128
AMGetCaptchaDataForIP = 4129
AMGetCaptchaDataForIPResponse = 4130
AMValidateCaptchaDataForIP = 4131
AMValidateCaptchaDataForIPResponse = 4132
AMTrackFailedAuthByIP = 4133
AMGetCaptchaDataByGID = 4134
AMGetCaptchaDataByGIDResponse = 4135
AMGetLobbyList = 4136


AMGetLobbyListResponse = 4137


AMGetLobbyMetadata = 4138


AMGetLobbyMetadataResponse = 4139


CommunityAddFriendNews = 4140
AMAddClanNews = 4141


AMWriteNews = 4142


AMFindClanUser = 4143
AMFindClanUserResponse = 4144
AMBanFromChat = 4145
AMGetUserHistoryResponse = 4146


AMGetUserNewsSubscriptions = 4147
AMGetUserNewsSubscriptionsResponse = 4148
AMSetUserNewsSubscriptions = 4149
AMGetUserNews = 4150


AMGetUserNewsResponse = 4151


AMSendQueuedEmails = 4152
AMSetLicenseFlags = 4153
AMGetUserHistory = 4154


CommunityDeleteUserNews = 4155
AMAllowUserFilesRequest = 4156
AMAllowUserFilesResponse = 4157
AMGetAccountStatus = 4158
AMGetAccountStatusResponse = 4159
AMEditBanReason = 4160
AMCheckClanMembershipResponse = 4161
AMProbeClanMembershipList = 4162
AMProbeClanMembershipListResponse = 4163
UGSGetUserAchievementStatusResponse = 4164
AMGetFriendsLobbies = 4165
AMGetFriendsLobbiesResponse = 4166
AMGetUserFriendNewsResponse = 4172
CommunityGetUserFriendNews = 4173
AMGetUserClansNewsResponse = 4174
AMGetUserClansNews = 4175
AMStoreInitPurchase = 4176


AMStoreInitPurchaseResponse = 4177


AMStoreGetFinalPrice = 4178


AMStoreGetFinalPriceResponse = 4179


AMStoreCompletePurchase = 4180


AMStoreCancelPurchase = 4181


AMStorePurchaseResponse = 4182


AMCreateAccountRecordInSteam3 = 4183


AMGetPreviousCBAccount = 4184
AMGetPreviousCBAccountResponse = 4185
AMUpdateBillingAddress = 4186


AMUpdateBillingAddressResponse = 4187


AMGetBillingAddress = 4188


AMGetBillingAddressResponse = 4189


AMGetUserLicenseHistory = 4190
AMGetUserLicenseHistoryResponse = 4191
AMSupportChangePassword = 4194
AMSupportChangeEmail = 4195
AMSupportChangeSecretQA = 4196


AMResetUserVerificationGSByIP = 4197
AMUpdateGSPlayStats = 4198
AMSupportEnableOrDisable = 4199
AMGetComments = 4200


AMGetCommentsResponse = 4201


AMAddComment = 4202


AMAddCommentResponse = 4203


AMDeleteComment = 4204


AMDeleteCommentResponse = 4205


AMGetPurchaseStatus = 4206
AMSupportIsAccountEnabled = 4209
AMSupportIsAccountEnabledResponse = 4210
UGSGetUserStats = 4211
AMSupportKickSession = 4212
AMGSSearch = 4213
MarketingMessageUpdate = 4216
ChatServerRouteFriendMsg = 4219
AMTicketAuthRequestOrResponse = 4220
AMVerifyDepotManagementRights = 4222
AMVerifyDepotManagementRightsResponse = 4223
AMAddFreeLicense = 4224
AMGetUserFriendsMinutesPlayed = 4225


AMGetUserFriendsMinutesPlayedResponse = 4226


AMGetUserMinutesPlayed = 4227


AMGetUserMinutesPlayedResponse = 4228


AMValidateEmailLinkResponse = 4232
AMAddUsersToMarketingTreatment = 4234


UGSStoreUserStats = 4236
AMGetUserGameplayInfo = 4237


AMGetUserGameplayInfoResponse = 4238


AMGetCardList = 4239


AMGetCardListResponse = 4240


AMDeleteStoredCard = 4241
AMRevokeLegacyGameKeys = 4242
AMGetWalletDetails = 4244
AMGetWalletDetailsResponse = 4245
AMDeleteStoredPaymentInfo = 4246
AMGetStoredPaymentSummary = 4247
AMGetStoredPaymentSummaryResponse = 4248
AMGetWalletConversionRate = 4249
AMGetWalletConversionRateResponse = 4250
AMConvertWallet = 4251
AMConvertWalletResponse = 4252
AMRelayGetFriendsWhoPlayGame = 4253


AMRelayGetFriendsWhoPlayGameResponse = 4254


AMSetPreApproval = 4255
AMSetPreApprovalResponse = 4256
AMMarketingTreatmentUpdate = 4257


AMCreateRefund = 4258
AMCreateRefundResponse = 4259
AMCreateChargeback = 4260
AMCreateChargebackResponse = 4261
AMCreateDispute = 4262
AMCreateDisputeResponse = 4263
AMClearDispute = 4264
AMCreateFinancialAdjustment = 4265
AMPlayerNicknameList = 4266
AMPlayerNicknameListResponse = 4267
AMSetDRMTestConfig = 4268
AMGetUserCurrentGameInfo = 4269
AMGetUserCurrentGameInfoResponse = 4270
AMGetGSPlayerList = 4271
AMGetGSPlayerListResponse = 4272
AMUpdatePersonaStateCache = 4275


AMGetGameMembers = 4276
AMGetGameMembersResponse = 4277
AMGetSteamIDForMicroTxn = 4278
AMGetSteamIDForMicroTxnResponse = 4279
AMSetPartnerMember = 4280
AMRemovePublisherUser = 4281
AMGetUserLicenseList = 4282
AMGetUserLicenseListResponse = 4283
AMReloadGameGroupPolicy = 4284
AMAddFreeLicenseResponse = 4285
AMVACStatusUpdate = 4286
AMGetAccountDetails = 4287
AMGetAccountDetailsResponse = 4288
AMGetPlayerLinkDetails = 4289
AMGetPlayerLinkDetailsResponse = 4290
AMSubscribeToPersonaFeed = 4291


AMGetUserVacBanList = 4292


AMGetUserVacBanListResponse = 4293


AMGetAccountFlagsForWGSpoofing = 4294
AMGetAccountFlagsForWGSpoofingResponse = 4295
AMGetFriendsWishlistInfo = 4296


AMGetFriendsWishlistInfoResponse = 4297


AMGetClanOfficers = 4298
AMGetClanOfficersResponse = 4299
AMNameChange = 4300
AMGetNameHistory = 4301
AMGetNameHistoryResponse = 4302
AMUpdateProviderStatus = 4305
AMClearPersonaMetadataBlob = 4306


AMSupportRemoveAccountSecurity = 4307
AMIsAccountInCaptchaGracePeriod = 4308
AMIsAccountInCaptchaGracePeriodResponse = 4309
AMAccountPS3UnlinkResponse = 4311
UGSStoreUserStatsResponse = 4312
AMGetAccountPSNInfo = 4313
AMGetAccountPSNInfoResponse = 4314
AMAuthenticatedPlayerList = 4315
AMGetUserGifts = 4316
AMGetUserGiftsResponse = 4317
AMTransferLockedGifts = 4320
AMTransferLockedGiftsResponse = 4321
AMPlayerHostedOnGameServer = 4322
AMGetAccountBanInfo = 4323
AMGetAccountBanInfoResponse = 4324
AMRecordBanEnforcement = 4325
AMRollbackGiftTransfer = 4326
AMRollbackGiftTransferResponse = 4327
AMHandlePendingTransaction = 4328
AMRequestClanDetails = 4329
AMDeleteStoredPaypalAgreement = 4330
AMGameServerUpdate = 4331
AMGameServerRemove = 4332
AMGetPaypalAgreements = 4333
AMGetPaypalAgreementsResponse = 4334
AMGameServerPlayerCompatibilityCheck = 4335
AMGameServerPlayerCompatibilityCheckResponse = 4336
AMRenewLicense = 4337
AMGetAccountCommunityBanInfo = 4338
AMGetAccountCommunityBanInfoResponse = 4339
AMGameServerAccountChangePassword = 4340
AMGameServerAccountDeleteAccount = 4341
AMRenewAgreement = 4342
AMSendEmail = 4343


AMXsollaPayment = 4344
AMXsollaPaymentResponse = 4345
AMAcctAllowedToPurchase = 4346
AMAcctAllowedToPurchaseResponse = 4347
AMSwapKioskDeposit = 4348
AMSwapKioskDepositResponse = 4349
AMSetUserGiftUnowned = 4350
AMSetUserGiftUnownedResponse = 4351
AMClaimUnownedUserGift = 4352
AMClaimUnownedUserGiftResponse = 4353
AMSetClanName = 4354
AMSetClanNameResponse = 4355
AMGrantCoupon = 4356
AMGrantCouponResponse = 4357
AMIsPackageRestrictedInUserCountry = 4358
AMIsPackageRestrictedInUserCountryResponse = 4359
AMHandlePendingTransactionResponse = 4360
AMGrantGuestPasses2 = 4361
AMGrantGuestPasses2Response = 4362
AMSessionQuery = 4363
AMSessionQueryResponse = 4364
AMGetPlayerBanDetails = 4365
AMGetPlayerBanDetailsResponse = 4366
AMFinalizePurchase = 4367
AMFinalizePurchaseResponse = 4368
AMPersonaChangeResponse = 4372
AMGetClanDetailsForForumCreation = 4373
AMGetClanDetailsForForumCreationResponse = 4374
AMGetPendingNotificationCount = 4375
AMGetPendingNotificationCountResponse = 4376
AMPasswordHashUpgrade = 4377
AMMoPayPayment = 4378
AMMoPayPaymentResponse = 4379
AMBoaCompraPayment = 4380
AMBoaCompraPaymentResponse = 4381
AMExpireCaptchaByGID = 4382
AMCompleteExternalPurchase = 4383
AMCompleteExternalPurchaseResponse = 4384
AMResolveNegativeWalletCredits = 4385
AMResolveNegativeWalletCreditsResponse = 4386
AMPayelpPayment = 4387
AMPayelpPaymentResponse = 4388
AMPlayerGetClanBasicDetails = 4389
AMPlayerGetClanBasicDetailsResponse = 4390
AMMOLPayment = 4391
AMMOLPaymentResponse = 4392
GetUserIPCountry = 4393
GetUserIPCountryResponse = 4394
NotificationOfSuspiciousActivity = 4395
AMDegicaPayment = 4396
AMDegicaPaymentResponse = 4397
AMEClubPayment = 4398
AMEClubPaymentResponse = 4399
AMPayPalPaymentsHubPayment = 4400
AMPayPalPaymentsHubPaymentResponse = 4401
AMTwoFactorRecoverAuthenticatorRequest = 4402
AMTwoFactorRecoverAuthenticatorResponse = 4403
AMSmart2PayPayment = 4404
AMSmart2PayPaymentResponse = 4405
AMValidatePasswordResetCodeAndSendSmsRequest = 4406
AMValidatePasswordResetCodeAndSendSmsResponse = 4407
AMGetAccountResetDetailsRequest = 4408
AMGetAccountResetDetailsResponse = 4409
AMBitPayPayment = 4410
AMBitPayPaymentResponse = 4411
AMSendAccountInfoUpdate = 4412
AMSendScheduledGift = 4413
AMNodwinPayment = 4414
AMNodwinPaymentResponse = 4415
AMResolveWalletRevoke = 4416
AMResolveWalletReverseRevoke = 4417
AMFundedPayment = 4418
AMFundedPaymentResponse = 4419
AMRequestPersonaUpdateForChatServer = 4420
AMPerfectWorldPayment = 4421
AMPerfectWorldPaymentResponse = 4422
BasePSRange = 5000
PSCreateShoppingCart = 5001
PSCreateShoppingCartResponse = 5002
PSIsValidShoppingCart = 5003
PSIsValidShoppingCartResponse = 5004
PSAddPackageToShoppingCart = 5005
PSAddPackageToShoppingCartResponse = 5006
PSRemoveLineItemFromShoppingCart = 5007
PSRemoveLineItemFromShoppingCartResponse = 5008
PSGetShoppingCartContents = 5009
PSGetShoppingCartContentsResponse = 5010
PSAddWalletCreditToShoppingCart = 5011
PSAddWalletCreditToShoppingCartResponse = 5012
BaseUFSRange = 5200
ClientUFSUploadFileRequest = 5202
ClientUFSUploadFileResponse = 5203
ClientUFSUploadFileChunk = 5204
ClientUFSUploadFileFinished = 5205
ClientUFSGetFileListForApp = 5206
ClientUFSGetFileListForAppResponse = 5207
ClientUFSDownloadRequest = 5210
ClientUFSDownloadResponse = 5211
ClientUFSDownloadChunk = 5212
ClientUFSLoginRequest = 5213
ClientUFSLoginResponse = 5214
UFSReloadPartitionInfo = 5215
ClientUFSTransferHeartbeat = 5216
UFSSynchronizeFile = 5217
UFSSynchronizeFileResponse = 5218
ClientUFSDeleteFileRequest = 5219
ClientUFSDeleteFileResponse = 5220
UFSDownloadRequest = 5221
UFSDownloadResponse = 5222
UFSDownloadChunk = 5223
ClientUFSGetUGCDetails = 5226
ClientUFSGetUGCDetailsResponse = 5227
UFSUpdateFileFlags = 5228
UFSUpdateFileFlagsResponse = 5229
ClientUFSGetSingleFileInfo = 5230
ClientUFSGetSingleFileInfoResponse = 5231
ClientUFSShareFile = 5232
ClientUFSShareFileResponse = 5233
UFSReloadAccount = 5234
UFSReloadAccountResponse = 5235
UFSUpdateRecordBatched = 5236
UFSUpdateRecordBatchedResponse = 5237
UFSMigrateFile = 5238
UFSMigrateFileResponse = 5239
UFSGetUGCURLs = 5240
UFSGetUGCURLsResponse = 5241
UFSHttpUploadFileFinishRequest = 5242
UFSHttpUploadFileFinishResponse = 5243
UFSDownloadStartRequest = 5244
UFSDownloadStartResponse = 5245
UFSDownloadChunkRequest = 5246
UFSDownloadChunkResponse = 5247
UFSDownloadFinishRequest = 5248
UFSDownloadFinishResponse = 5249
UFSFlushURLCache = 5250
ClientUFSUploadCommit = 5251
ClientUFSUploadCommitResponse = 5252
UFSMigrateFileAppID = 5253
UFSMigrateFileAppIDResponse = 5254
BaseClient2 = 5400
ClientRequestForgottenPasswordEmail = 5401
ClientRequestForgottenPasswordEmailResponse = 5402
ClientCreateAccountResponse = 5403
ClientResetForgottenPassword = 5404
ClientResetForgottenPasswordResponse = 5405
ClientCreateAccount2 = 5406
ClientInformOfResetForgottenPassword = 5407
ClientInformOfResetForgottenPasswordResponse = 5408
ClientAnonUserLogOn_Deprecated = 5409


ClientGamesPlayedWithDataBlob = 5410
ClientUpdateUserGameInfo = 5411
ClientFileToDownload = 5412
ClientFileToDownloadResponse = 5413
ClientLBSSetScore = 5414
ClientLBSSetScoreResponse = 5415
ClientLBSFindOrCreateLB = 5416
ClientLBSFindOrCreateLBResponse = 5417
ClientLBSGetLBEntries = 5418
ClientLBSGetLBEntriesResponse = 5419
ClientMarketingMessageUpdate = 5420


ClientChatDeclined = 5426
ClientFriendMsgIncoming = 5427
ClientAuthList_Deprecated = 5428


ClientTicketAuthComplete = 5429
ClientIsLimitedAccount = 5430
ClientRequestAuthList = 5431
ClientAuthList = 5432
ClientStat = 5433
ClientP2PConnectionInfo = 5434
ClientP2PConnectionFailInfo = 5435
ClientGetNumberOfCurrentPlayers = 5436


ClientGetNumberOfCurrentPlayersResponse = 5437


ClientGetDepotDecryptionKey = 5438
ClientGetDepotDecryptionKeyResponse = 5439
GSPerformHardwareSurvey = 5440
ClientGetAppBetaPasswords = 5441


ClientGetAppBetaPasswordsResponse = 5442


ClientEnableTestLicense = 5443
ClientEnableTestLicenseResponse = 5444
ClientDisableTestLicense = 5445
ClientDisableTestLicenseResponse = 5446
ClientRequestValidationMail = 5448
ClientRequestValidationMailResponse = 5449
ClientCheckAppBetaPassword = 5450
ClientCheckAppBetaPasswordResponse = 5451
ClientToGC = 5452
ClientFromGC = 5453
ClientRequestChangeMail = 5454
ClientRequestChangeMailResponse = 5455
ClientEmailAddrInfo = 5456
ClientPasswordChange3 = 5457
ClientEmailChange3 = 5458
ClientPersonalQAChange3 = 5459
ClientResetForgottenPassword3 = 5460
ClientRequestForgottenPasswordEmail3 = 5461
ClientCreateAccount3 = 5462


ClientNewLoginKey = 5463
ClientNewLoginKeyAccepted = 5464
ClientLogOnWithHash_Deprecated = 5465


ClientStoreUserStats2 = 5466
ClientStatsUpdated = 5467
ClientActivateOEMLicense = 5468
ClientRegisterOEMMachine = 5469
ClientRegisterOEMMachineResponse = 5470
ClientRequestedClientStats = 5480
ClientStat2Int32 = 5481
ClientStat2 = 5482
ClientVerifyPassword = 5483
ClientVerifyPasswordResponse = 5484
ClientDRMDownloadRequest = 5485
ClientDRMDownloadResponse = 5486
ClientDRMFinalResult = 5487
ClientGetFriendsWhoPlayGame = 5488
ClientGetFriendsWhoPlayGameResponse = 5489
ClientOGSBeginSession = 5490
ClientOGSBeginSessionResponse = 5491
ClientOGSEndSession = 5492
ClientOGSEndSessionResponse = 5493
ClientOGSWriteRow = 5494
ClientDRMTest = 5495
ClientDRMTestResult = 5496
ClientServerUnavailable = 5500
ClientServersAvailable = 5501
ClientRegisterAuthTicketWithCM = 5502
ClientGCMsgFailed = 5503
ClientMicroTxnAuthRequest = 5504
ClientMicroTxnAuthorize = 5505
ClientMicroTxnAuthorizeResponse = 5506
ClientAppMinutesPlayedData = 5507
ClientGetMicroTxnInfo = 5508
ClientGetMicroTxnInfoResponse = 5509
ClientMarketingMessageUpdate2 = 5510
ClientDeregisterWithServer = 5511
ClientSubscribeToPersonaFeed = 5512
ClientLogon = 5514
ClientGetClientDetails = 5515
ClientGetClientDetailsResponse = 5516
ClientReportOverlayDetourFailure = 5517
ClientGetClientAppList = 5518
ClientGetClientAppListResponse = 5519
ClientInstallClientApp = 5520
ClientInstallClientAppResponse = 5521
ClientUninstallClientApp = 5522
ClientUninstallClientAppResponse = 5523
ClientSetClientAppUpdateState = 5524
ClientSetClientAppUpdateStateResponse = 5525
ClientRequestEncryptedAppTicket = 5526
ClientRequestEncryptedAppTicketResponse = 5527
ClientWalletInfoUpdate = 5528
ClientLBSSetUGC = 5529
ClientLBSSetUGCResponse = 5530
ClientAMGetClanOfficers = 5531
ClientAMGetClanOfficersResponse = 5532
ClientCheckFileSignature = 5533


ClientCheckFileSignatureResponse = 5534


ClientFriendProfileInfo = 5535
ClientFriendProfileInfoResponse = 5536
ClientUpdateMachineAuth = 5537
ClientUpdateMachineAuthResponse = 5538
ClientReadMachineAuth = 5539
ClientReadMachineAuthResponse = 5540
ClientRequestMachineAuth = 5541
ClientRequestMachineAuthResponse = 5542
ClientScreenshotsChanged = 5543
ClientEmailChange4 = 5544
ClientEmailChangeResponse4 = 5545
ClientGetCDNAuthToken = 5546
ClientGetCDNAuthTokenResponse = 5547
ClientDownloadRateStatistics = 5548
ClientRequestAccountData = 5549
ClientRequestAccountDataResponse = 5550
ClientResetForgottenPassword4 = 5551
ClientHideFriend = 5552
ClientFriendsGroupsList = 5553
ClientGetClanActivityCounts = 5554
ClientGetClanActivityCountsResponse = 5555
ClientOGSReportString = 5556
ClientOGSReportBug = 5557
ClientSentLogs = 5558
ClientLogonGameServer = 5559
AMClientCreateFriendsGroup = 5560
AMClientCreateFriendsGroupResponse = 5561
AMClientDeleteFriendsGroup = 5562
AMClientDeleteFriendsGroupResponse = 5563
AMClientManageFriendsGroup = 5564
AMClientManageFriendsGroupResponse = 5565
AMClientAddFriendToGroup = 5566
AMClientAddFriendToGroupResponse = 5567
AMClientRemoveFriendFromGroup = 5568
AMClientRemoveFriendFromGroupResponse = 5569
ClientAMGetPersonaNameHistory = 5570
ClientAMGetPersonaNameHistoryResponse = 5571
ClientRequestFreeLicense = 5572
ClientRequestFreeLicenseResponse = 5573
ClientDRMDownloadRequestWithCrashData = 5574
ClientAuthListAck = 5575
ClientItemAnnouncements = 5576
ClientRequestItemAnnouncements = 5577
ClientFriendMsgEchoToSender = 5578
ClientChangeSteamGuardOptions = 5579


ClientChangeSteamGuardOptionsResponse = 5580


ClientOGSGameServerPingSample = 5581
ClientCommentNotifications = 5582
ClientRequestCommentNotifications = 5583
ClientPersonaChangeResponse = 5584
ClientRequestWebAPIAuthenticateUserNonce = 5585
ClientRequestWebAPIAuthenticateUserNonceResponse = 5586
ClientPlayerNicknameList = 5587
AMClientSetPlayerNickname = 5588
AMClientSetPlayerNicknameResponse = 5589
ClientCreateAccountProto = 5590
ClientCreateAccountProtoResponse = 5591
ClientGetNumberOfCurrentPlayersDP = 5592
ClientGetNumberOfCurrentPlayersDPResponse = 5593
ClientServiceMethodLegacy = 5594
ClientServiceMethodLegacyResponse = 5595
ClientFriendUserStatusPublished = 5596
ClientCurrentUIMode = 5597
ClientVanityURLChangedNotification = 5598
ClientUserNotifications = 5599
BaseDFS = 5600
DFSGetFile = 5601
DFSInstallLocalFile = 5602
DFSConnection = 5603
DFSConnectionReply = 5604
ClientDFSAuthenticateRequest = 5605
ClientDFSAuthenticateResponse = 5606
ClientDFSEndSession = 5607
DFSPurgeFile = 5608
DFSRouteFile = 5609
DFSGetFileFromServer = 5610
DFSAcceptedResponse = 5611
DFSRequestPingback = 5612
DFSRecvTransmitFile = 5613
DFSSendTransmitFile = 5614
DFSRequestPingback2 = 5615
DFSResponsePingback2 = 5616
ClientDFSDownloadStatus = 5617
DFSStartTransfer = 5618
DFSTransferComplete = 5619
DFSRouteFileResponse = 5620
ClientNetworkingCertRequest = 5621
ClientNetworkingCertRequestResponse = 5622
ClientChallengeRequest = 5623
ClientChallengeResponse = 5624
BadgeCraftedNotification = 5625
ClientNetworkingMobileCertRequest = 5626
ClientNetworkingMobileCertRequestResponse = 5627
BaseMDS = 5800
ClientMDSLoginRequest = 5801


ClientMDSLoginResponse = 5802


ClientMDSUploadManifestRequest = 5803


ClientMDSUploadManifestResponse = 5804


ClientMDSTransmitManifestDataChunk = 5805


ClientMDSHeartbeat = 5806


ClientMDSUploadDepotChunks = 5807


ClientMDSUploadDepotChunksResponse = 5808


ClientMDSInitDepotBuildRequest = 5809


ClientMDSInitDepotBuildResponse = 5810


AMToMDSGetDepotDecryptionKey = 5812
MDSToAMGetDepotDecryptionKeyResponse = 5813
MDSGetVersionsForDepot = 5814


MDSGetVersionsForDepotResponse = 5815


ClientMDSInitWorkshopBuildRequest = 5816


ClientMDSInitWorkshopBuildResponse = 5817


ClientMDSGetDepotManifest = 5818


ClientMDSGetDepotManifestResponse = 5819


ClientMDSGetDepotManifestChunk = 5820


ClientMDSUploadRateTest = 5823


ClientMDSUploadRateTestResponse = 5824


MDSDownloadDepotChunksAck = 5825


MDSContentServerStatsBroadcast = 5826


MDSContentServerConfigRequest = 5827
MDSContentServerConfig = 5828
MDSGetDepotManifest = 5829
MDSGetDepotManifestResponse = 5830
MDSGetDepotManifestChunk = 5831
MDSGetDepotChunk = 5832
MDSGetDepotChunkResponse = 5833
MDSGetDepotChunkChunk = 5834
MDSUpdateContentServerConfig = 5835


MDSGetServerListForUser = 5836
MDSGetServerListForUserResponse = 5837
ClientMDSRegisterAppBuild = 5838


ClientMDSRegisterAppBuildResponse = 5839


ClientMDSSetAppBuildLive = 5840


ClientMDSSetAppBuildLiveResponse = 5841


ClientMDSGetPrevDepotBuild = 5842


ClientMDSGetPrevDepotBuildResponse = 5843


MDSToCSFlushChunk = 5844
ClientMDSSignInstallScript = 5845


ClientMDSSignInstallScriptResponse = 5846


MDSMigrateChunk = 5847
MDSMigrateChunkResponse = 5848
MDSToCSFlushManifest = 5849
CSBase = 6200
CSPing = 6201
CSPingResponse = 6202
GMSBase = 6400
GMSGameServerReplicate = 6401
ClientGMSServerQuery = 6403
GMSClientServerQueryResponse = 6404
AMGMSGameServerUpdate = 6405
AMGMSGameServerRemove = 6406
GameServerOutOfDate = 6407
DeviceAuthorizationBase = 6500
ClientAuthorizeLocalDeviceRequest = 6501
ClientAuthorizeLocalDeviceResponse = 6502
ClientDeauthorizeDeviceRequest = 6503
ClientDeauthorizeDevice = 6504
ClientUseLocalDeviceAuthorizations = 6505
ClientGetAuthorizedDevices = 6506
ClientGetAuthorizedDevicesResponse = 6507
AMNotifySessionDeviceAuthorized = 6508
ClientAuthorizeLocalDeviceNotification = 6509
MMSBase = 6600
ClientMMSCreateLobby = 6601
ClientMMSCreateLobbyResponse = 6602
ClientMMSJoinLobby = 6603
ClientMMSJoinLobbyResponse = 6604
ClientMMSLeaveLobby = 6605
ClientMMSLeaveLobbyResponse = 6606
ClientMMSGetLobbyList = 6607
ClientMMSGetLobbyListResponse = 6608
ClientMMSSetLobbyData = 6609
ClientMMSSetLobbyDataResponse = 6610
ClientMMSGetLobbyData = 6611
ClientMMSLobbyData = 6612
ClientMMSSendLobbyChatMsg = 6613
ClientMMSLobbyChatMsg = 6614
ClientMMSSetLobbyOwner = 6615
ClientMMSSetLobbyOwnerResponse = 6616
ClientMMSSetLobbyGameServer = 6617
ClientMMSLobbyGameServerSet = 6618
ClientMMSUserJoinedLobby = 6619
ClientMMSUserLeftLobby = 6620
ClientMMSInviteToLobby = 6621
ClientMMSFlushFrenemyListCache = 6622
ClientMMSFlushFrenemyListCacheResponse = 6623
ClientMMSSetLobbyLinked = 6624
ClientMMSSetRatelimitPolicyOnClient = 6625
ClientMMSGetLobbyStatus = 6626
ClientMMSGetLobbyStatusResponse = 6627
MMSGetLobbyList = 6628
MMSGetLobbyListResponse = 6629
NonStdMsgBase = 6800
NonStdMsgMemcached = 6801
NonStdMsgHTTPServer = 6802
NonStdMsgHTTPClient = 6803
NonStdMsgWGResponse = 6804
NonStdMsgPHPSimulator = 6805
NonStdMsgChase = 6806
NonStdMsgDFSTransfer = 6807
NonStdMsgTests = 6808
NonStdMsgUMQpipeAAPL = 6809
NonStdMsgSyslog = 6810
NonStdMsgLogsink = 6811
NonStdMsgSteam2Emulator = 6812
NonStdMsgRTMPServer = 6813
NonStdMsgWebSocket = 6814
NonStdMsgRedis = 6815
UDSBase = 7000
ClientUDSP2PSessionStarted = 7001
ClientUDSP2PSessionEnded = 7002
UDSRenderUserAuth = 7003
UDSRenderUserAuthResponse = 7004
ClientInviteToGame = 7005
UDSHasSession = 7006
UDSHasSessionResponse = 7007
MPASBase = 7100
MPASVacBanReset = 7101
KGSBase = 7200
KGSAllocateKeyRange = 7201


KGSAllocateKeyRangeResponse = 7202


KGSGenerateKeys = 7203


KGSGenerateKeysResponse = 7204


KGSRemapKeys = 7205


KGSRemapKeysResponse = 7206


KGSGenerateGameStopWCKeys = 7207


KGSGenerateGameStopWCKeysResponse = 7208


UCMBase = 7300
ClientUCMAddScreenshot = 7301
ClientUCMAddScreenshotResponse = 7302
UCMValidateObjectExists = 7303


UCMValidateObjectExistsResponse = 7304


UCMResetCommunityContent = 7307
UCMResetCommunityContentResponse = 7308
ClientUCMDeleteScreenshot = 7309
ClientUCMDeleteScreenshotResponse = 7310
ClientUCMPublishFile = 7311
ClientUCMPublishFileResponse = 7312
ClientUCMGetPublishedFileDetails = 7313


ClientUCMGetPublishedFileDetailsResponse = 7314


ClientUCMDeletePublishedFile = 7315
ClientUCMDeletePublishedFileResponse = 7316
ClientUCMEnumerateUserPublishedFiles = 7317
ClientUCMEnumerateUserPublishedFilesResponse = 7318
ClientUCMSubscribePublishedFile = 7319


ClientUCMSubscribePublishedFileResponse = 7320


ClientUCMEnumerateUserSubscribedFiles = 7321
ClientUCMEnumerateUserSubscribedFilesResponse = 7322
ClientUCMUnsubscribePublishedFile = 7323


ClientUCMUnsubscribePublishedFileResponse = 7324


ClientUCMUpdatePublishedFile = 7325
ClientUCMUpdatePublishedFileResponse = 7326
UCMUpdatePublishedFile = 7327
UCMUpdatePublishedFileResponse = 7328
UCMDeletePublishedFile = 7329
UCMDeletePublishedFileResponse = 7330
UCMUpdatePublishedFileStat = 7331
UCMUpdatePublishedFileBan = 7332
UCMUpdatePublishedFileBanResponse = 7333
UCMUpdateTaggedScreenshot = 7334


UCMAddTaggedScreenshot = 7335


UCMRemoveTaggedScreenshot = 7336


UCMReloadPublishedFile = 7337
UCMReloadUserFileListCaches = 7338
UCMPublishedFileReported = 7339
UCMUpdatePublishedFileIncompatibleStatus = 7340


UCMPublishedFilePreviewAdd = 7341
UCMPublishedFilePreviewAddResponse = 7342
UCMPublishedFilePreviewRemove = 7343
UCMPublishedFilePreviewRemoveResponse = 7344
UCMPublishedFilePreviewChangeSortOrder = 7345


UCMPublishedFilePreviewChangeSortOrderResponse = 7346


ClientUCMPublishedFileSubscribed = 7347
ClientUCMPublishedFileUnsubscribed = 7348
UCMPublishedFileSubscribed = 7349
UCMPublishedFileUnsubscribed = 7350
UCMPublishFile = 7351
UCMPublishFileResponse = 7352
UCMPublishedFileChildAdd = 7353
UCMPublishedFileChildAddResponse = 7354
UCMPublishedFileChildRemove = 7355
UCMPublishedFileChildRemoveResponse = 7356
UCMPublishedFileChildChangeSortOrder = 7357


UCMPublishedFileChildChangeSortOrderResponse = 7358


UCMPublishedFileParentChanged = 7359
ClientUCMGetPublishedFilesForUser = 7360
ClientUCMGetPublishedFilesForUserResponse = 7361
UCMGetPublishedFilesForUser = 7362


UCMGetPublishedFilesForUserResponse = 7363


ClientUCMSetUserPublishedFileAction = 7364
ClientUCMSetUserPublishedFileActionResponse = 7365
ClientUCMEnumeratePublishedFilesByUserAction = 7366
ClientUCMEnumeratePublishedFilesByUserActionResponse = 7367
ClientUCMPublishedFileDeleted = 7368
UCMGetUserSubscribedFiles = 7369
UCMGetUserSubscribedFilesResponse = 7370
UCMFixStatsPublishedFile = 7371
UCMDeleteOldScreenshot = 7372


UCMDeleteOldScreenshotResponse = 7373


UCMDeleteOldVideo = 7374


UCMDeleteOldVideoResponse = 7375


UCMUpdateOldScreenshotPrivacy = 7376


UCMUpdateOldScreenshotPrivacyResponse = 7377


ClientUCMEnumerateUserSubscribedFilesWithUpdates = 7378
ClientUCMEnumerateUserSubscribedFilesWithUpdatesResponse = 7379
UCMPublishedFileContentUpdated = 7380
ClientUCMPublishedFileUpdated = 7381
ClientWorkshopItemChangesRequest = 7382
ClientWorkshopItemChangesResponse = 7383
ClientWorkshopItemInfoRequest = 7384
ClientWorkshopItemInfoResponse = 7385
FSBase = 7500
ClientRichPresenceUpload = 7501
ClientRichPresenceRequest = 7502
ClientRichPresenceInfo = 7503
FSRichPresenceRequest = 7504
FSRichPresenceResponse = 7505
FSComputeFrenematrix = 7506
FSComputeFrenematrixResponse = 7507
FSPlayStatusNotification = 7508
FSPublishPersonaStatus = 7509


FSAddOrRemoveFollower = 7510
FSAddOrRemoveFollowerResponse = 7511
FSUpdateFollowingList = 7512
FSCommentNotification = 7513
FSCommentNotificationViewed = 7514
ClientFSGetFollowerCount = 7515
ClientFSGetFollowerCountResponse = 7516
ClientFSGetIsFollowing = 7517
ClientFSGetIsFollowingResponse = 7518
ClientFSEnumerateFollowingList = 7519
ClientFSEnumerateFollowingListResponse = 7520
FSGetPendingNotificationCount = 7521
FSGetPendingNotificationCountResponse = 7522
ClientChatOfflineMessageNotification = 7523
ClientChatRequestOfflineMessageCount = 7524
ClientChatGetFriendMessageHistory = 7525
ClientChatGetFriendMessageHistoryResponse = 7526
ClientChatGetFriendMessageHistoryForOfflineMessages = 7527
ClientFSGetFriendsSteamLevels = 7528
ClientFSGetFriendsSteamLevelsResponse = 7529
AMRequestFriendData = 7530
CEGVersionSetEnableDisableRequest = 7600
DRMRange2 = 7600
CEGVersionSetEnableDisableResponse = 7601
CEGPropStatusDRMSRequest = 7602
CEGPropStatusDRMSResponse = 7603
CEGWhackFailureReportRequest = 7604
CEGWhackFailureReportResponse = 7605
DRMSFetchVersionSet = 7606
DRMSFetchVersionSetResponse = 7607
EconBase = 7700
EconTrading_InitiateTradeRequest = 7701
EconTrading_InitiateTradeProposed = 7702
EconTrading_InitiateTradeResponse = 7703
EconTrading_InitiateTradeResult = 7704
EconTrading_StartSession = 7705
EconTrading_CancelTradeRequest = 7706
EconFlushInventoryCache = 7707
EconFlushInventoryCacheResponse = 7708
EconCDKeyProcessTransaction = 7711
EconCDKeyProcessTransactionResponse = 7712
EconGetErrorLogs = 7713
EconGetErrorLogsResponse = 7714
RMRange = 7800
RMTestVerisignOTP = 7800
RMTestVerisignOTPResponse = 7801
RMDeleteMemcachedKeys = 7803
RMRemoteInvoke = 7804
BadLoginIPList = 7805
RMMsgTraceAddTrigger = 7806
RMMsgTraceRemoveTrigger = 7807
RMMsgTraceEvent = 7808
UGSUpdateGlobalStats = 7900
UGSBase = 7900
ClientUGSGetGlobalStats = 7901
ClientUGSGetGlobalStatsResponse = 7902
StoreUpdateRecommendationCount = 8000


StoreBase = 8000
UMQLogonRequest = 8100
UMQBase = 8100
UMQLogonResponse = 8101
UMQLogoffRequest = 8102
UMQLogoffResponse = 8103
UMQSendChatMessage = 8104
UMQIncomingChatMessage = 8105
UMQPoll = 8106
UMQPollResults = 8107
UMQ2AM_ClientMsgBatch = 8108
UMQEnqueueMobileSalePromotions = 8109


UMQEnqueueMobileAnnouncements = 8110


WorkshopAcceptTOSRequest = 8200


WorkshopBase = 8200
WorkshopAcceptTOSResponse = 8201


WebAPIValidateOAuth2Token = 8300
WebAPIBase = 8300
WebAPIValidateOAuth2TokenResponse = 8301
WebAPIInvalidateTokensForAccount = 8302


WebAPIRegisterGCInterfaces = 8303
WebAPIInvalidateOAuthClientCache = 8304
WebAPIInvalidateOAuthTokenCache = 8305
WebAPISetSecrets = 8306
BackpackBase = 8400
BackpackAddToCurrency = 8401
BackpackAddToCurrencyResponse = 8402
CREBase = 8500
CRERankByTrend = 8501


CRERankByTrendResponse = 8502


CREItemVoteSummary = 8503
CREItemVoteSummaryResponse = 8504
CRERankByVote = 8505


CRERankByVoteResponse = 8506


CREUpdateUserPublishedItemVote = 8507
CREUpdateUserPublishedItemVoteResponse = 8508
CREGetUserPublishedItemVoteDetails = 8509
CREGetUserPublishedItemVoteDetailsResponse = 8510
CREEnumeratePublishedFiles = 8511
CREEnumeratePublishedFilesResponse = 8512
CREPublishedFileVoteAdded = 8513
SecretsRequestCredentialPair = 8600
SecretsBase = 8600
SecretsCredentialPairResponse = 8601
SecretsRequestServerIdentity = 8602


SecretsServerIdentityResponse = 8603


SecretsUpdateServerIdentities = 8604


BoxMonitorReportRequest = 8700
BoxMonitorBase = 8700
BoxMonitorReportResponse = 8701
LogsinkWriteReport = 8800
LogsinkBase = 8800
PICSBase = 8900
ClientPICSChangesSinceRequest = 8901
ClientPICSChangesSinceResponse = 8902
ClientPICSProductInfoRequest = 8903
ClientPICSProductInfoResponse = 8904
ClientPICSAccessTokenRequest = 8905
ClientPICSAccessTokenResponse = 8906
WorkerProcess = 9000
WorkerProcessPingRequest = 9000
WorkerProcessPingResponse = 9001
WorkerProcessShutdown = 9002
DRMWorkerProcess = 9100
DRMWorkerProcessDRMAndSign = 9100
DRMWorkerProcessDRMAndSignResponse = 9101
DRMWorkerProcessSteamworksInfoRequest = 9102
DRMWorkerProcessSteamworksInfoResponse = 9103
DRMWorkerProcessInstallDRMDLLRequest = 9104
DRMWorkerProcessInstallDRMDLLResponse = 9105
DRMWorkerProcessSecretIdStringRequest = 9106
DRMWorkerProcessSecretIdStringResponse = 9107
DRMWorkerProcessGetDRMGuidsFromFileRequest = 9108


DRMWorkerProcessGetDRMGuidsFromFileResponse = 9109


DRMWorkerProcessInstallProcessedFilesRequest = 9110
DRMWorkerProcessInstallProcessedFilesResponse = 9111
DRMWorkerProcessExamineBlobRequest = 9112
DRMWorkerProcessExamineBlobResponse = 9113
DRMWorkerProcessDescribeSecretRequest = 9114
DRMWorkerProcessDescribeSecretResponse = 9115
DRMWorkerProcessBackfillOriginalRequest = 9116
DRMWorkerProcessBackfillOriginalResponse = 9117
DRMWorkerProcessValidateDRMDLLRequest = 9118
DRMWorkerProcessValidateDRMDLLResponse = 9119
DRMWorkerProcessValidateFileRequest = 9120
DRMWorkerProcessValidateFileResponse = 9121
DRMWorkerProcessSplitAndInstallRequest = 9122
DRMWorkerProcessSplitAndInstallResponse = 9123
DRMWorkerProcessGetBlobRequest = 9124
DRMWorkerProcessGetBlobResponse = 9125
DRMWorkerProcessEvaluateCrashRequest = 9126
DRMWorkerProcessEvaluateCrashResponse = 9127
DRMWorkerProcessAnalyzeFileRequest = 9128
DRMWorkerProcessAnalyzeFileResponse = 9129
DRMWorkerProcessUnpackBlobRequest = 9130
DRMWorkerProcessUnpackBlobResponse = 9131
DRMWorkerProcessInstallAllRequest = 9132
DRMWorkerProcessInstallAllResponse = 9133
TestWorkerProcess = 9200
TestWorkerProcessLoadUnloadModuleRequest = 9200
TestWorkerProcessLoadUnloadModuleResponse = 9201
TestWorkerProcessServiceModuleCallRequest = 9202
TestWorkerProcessServiceModuleCallResponse = 9203
QuestServerBase = 9300
ClientGetEmoticonList = 9330
ClientEmoticonList = 9331
SLCUserSessionStatus = 9400
SLCBase = 9400
SLCRequestUserSessionStatus = 9401
SLCSharedLicensesLockStatus = 9402
ClientSharedLicensesLockStatus = 9403


ClientSharedLicensesStopPlaying = 9404


ClientSharedLibraryLockStatus = 9405
ClientSharedLibraryStopPlaying = 9406
SLCOwnerLibraryChanged = 9407
SLCSharedLibraryChanged = 9408
RemoteClientAuth_OBSOLETE = 9500
RemoteClientBase = 9500
RemoteClientAuthResponse_OBSOLETE = 9501
RemoteClientAppStatus = 9502
RemoteClientStartStream = 9503
RemoteClientStartStreamResponse = 9504
RemoteClientPing = 9505
RemoteClientPingResponse = 9506
ClientUnlockStreaming = 9507
ClientUnlockStreamingResponse = 9508
RemoteClientAcceptEULA = 9509
RemoteClientGetControllerConfig = 9510
RemoteClientGetControllerConfigResponse = 9511
RemoteClientStreamingEnabled = 9512
ClientUnlockHEVC = 9513
ClientUnlockHEVCResponse = 9514
RemoteClientStatusRequest = 9515
RemoteClientStatusResponse = 9516
ClientPlayingSessionState = 9600
ClientConcurrentSessionsBase = 9600
ClientKickPlayingSession = 9601
ClientBroadcastInit = 9700


ClientBroadcastBase = 9700
ClientBroadcastFrames = 9701
ClientBroadcastDisconnect = 9702
ClientBroadcastScreenshot = 9703
ClientBroadcastUploadConfig = 9704
ClientVoiceCallPreAuthorize = 9800


BaseClient3 = 9800
ClientVoiceCallPreAuthorizeResponse = 9801
ClientServerTimestampRequest = 9802
ClientServerTimestampResponse = 9803
ClientLANP2PRequestChunk = 9900
ClientLANP2PBase = 9900
ClientLANP2PRequestChunkResponse = 9901
ClientLANP2PMax = 9999
NotifyWatchdog = 10000
ClientSiteLicenseSiteInfoNotification = 10100
ClientSiteLicenseBase = 10100
ClientSiteLicenseCheckout = 10101
ClientSiteLicenseCheckoutResponse = 10102
ClientSiteLicenseGetAvailableSeats = 10103
ClientSiteLicenseGetAvailableSeatsResponse = 10104
ClientSiteLicenseGetContentCacheInfo = 10105
ClientSiteLicenseGetContentCacheInfoResponse = 10106
ChatServerGetPendingNotificationCount = 12000
BaseChatServer = 12000
ChatServerGetPendingNotificationCountResponse = 12001
ServerSecretChanged = 12100
BaseSecretServer = 12100


class steam.enums.proto.E_STAR_GlyphWriteResult

An enumeration.

Success = 0
InvalidMessage = 1
InvalidJSON = 2
SQLError = 3
class steam.enums.proto.EACState

An enumeration.

Unknown = 0
Disconnected = 1
Connected = 2
ConnectedSlow = 3
class steam.enums.proto.EAgreementType

An enumeration.

Invalid = -1
GlobalSSA = 0
ChinaSSA = 1
class steam.enums.proto.EAudioFormat

An enumeration.

EAudioFormatNone = 0
EAudioFormat16BitLittleEndian = 1
EAudioFormatFloat = 2
class steam.enums.proto.EAuthSessionGuardType

An enumeration.

DeviceCode = 3
DeviceConfirmation = 4
EmailCode = 2
EmailConfirmation = 5
MachineToken = 6
None = 1
Unknown = 0
class steam.enums.proto.EAuthSessionSecurityHistory

An enumeration.

Invalid = 0
UsedPreviously = 1
NoPriorHistory = 2
class steam.enums.proto.EAuthTokenPlatformType

An enumeration.

Unknown = 0
SteamClient = 1
WebBrowser = 2
MobileApp = 3
class steam.enums.proto.EAuthTokenRevokeAction

An enumeration.

EAuthTokenRevokeLogout = 0
EAuthTokenRevokePermanent = 1
EAuthTokenRevokeReplaced = 2
EAuthTokenRevokeSupport = 3
class steam.enums.proto.EAuthTokenState

An enumeration.

Invalid = 0
New = 1
Confirmed = 2
Issued = 3
Denied = 4
LoggedOut = 5
Revoked = 99
class steam.enums.proto.EBatteryState

An enumeration.

Unknown = 0
Discharging = 1
Charging = 2
Full = 3
class steam.enums.proto.EBluetoothDeviceType

An enumeration.

BluetoothDeviceType_Invalid = 0
BluetoothDeviceType_Unknown = 1
BluetoothDeviceType_Phone = 2
BluetoothDeviceType_Computer = 3
BluetoothDeviceType_Headset = 4
BluetoothDeviceType_Headphones = 5
BluetoothDeviceType_Speakers = 6
BluetoothDeviceType_OtherAudio = 7
BluetoothDeviceType_Mouse = 8
BluetoothDeviceType_Joystick = 9
BluetoothDeviceType_Gamepad = 10
BluetoothDeviceType_Keyboard = 11
class steam.enums.proto.EBroadcastChatPermission

An enumeration.

EBroadcastChatPermissionPublic = 0
EBroadcastChatPermissionOwnsApp = 1
class steam.enums.proto.EBroadcastImageType

An enumeration.

Avatar = 3
Background = 5
Emoticon = 6
None = 0
Offline = 1
Standby = 2
Summary = 4
class steam.enums.proto.EBroadcastWatchLocation

An enumeration.

Invalid = 0
SteamTV_Tab = 1
SteamTV_WatchParty = 2
Chat_Tab = 3
Chat_WatchParty = 4
CommunityPage = 5
StoreAppPage = 6
InGame = 7
BigPicture = 8
SalesPage = 9
CuratorPage = 10
DeveloperPage = 11
Chat_Friends = 12
SteamTV_Web = 13
class steam.enums.proto.EChatRoomGroupRank

An enumeration.

Default = 0
Viewer = 10
Guest = 15
Member = 20
Moderator = 30
Officer = 40
Owner = 50
TestInvalid = 99
class steam.enums.proto.EChatRoomJoinState

An enumeration.

Default = 0
Joined = 2
None = 1
TestInvalid = 99
class steam.enums.proto.EChatRoomMemberStateChange

An enumeration.

Invalid = 0
Joined = 1
Parted = 2
Kicked = 3
Invited = 4
RankChanged = 7
InviteDismissed = 8
Muted = 9
Banned = 10
RolesChanged = 12
class steam.enums.proto.EChatRoomMessageReactionType

An enumeration.

Invalid = 0
Emoticon = 1
Sticker = 2
class steam.enums.proto.EChatRoomNotificationLevel

An enumeration.

EChatroomNotificationLevel_Invalid = 0
EChatroomNotificationLevel_None = 1
EChatroomNotificationLevel_MentionMe = 2
EChatroomNotificationLevel_MentionAll = 3
EChatroomNotificationLevel_AllMessages = 4
class steam.enums.proto.EChatRoomServerMessage

An enumeration.

EChatRoomServerMsg_Invalid = 0
EChatRoomServerMsg_RenameChatRoom = 1
EChatRoomServerMsg_Joined = 2
EChatRoomServerMsg_Parted = 3
EChatRoomServerMsg_Kicked = 4
EChatRoomServerMsg_Invited = 5
EChatRoomServerMsg_InviteDismissed = 8
EChatRoomServerMsg_ChatRoomTaglineChanged = 9
EChatRoomServerMsg_ChatRoomAvatarChanged = 10
EChatRoomServerMsg_AppCustom = 11
class steam.enums.proto.ECloudStoragePersistState

An enumeration.

ECloudStoragePersistStatePersisted = 0
ECloudStoragePersistStateForgotten = 1
ECloudStoragePersistStateDeleted = 2
class steam.enums.proto.EColorProfile

An enumeration.

Invalid = 0
Native = 1
Standard = 2
Vivid = 3
class steam.enums.proto.ECommunityItemClass

An enumeration.

Invalid = 0
Badge = 1
GameCard = 2
ProfileBackground = 3
Emoticon = 4
BoosterPack = 5
Consumable = 6
GameGoo = 7
ProfileModifier = 8
Scene = 9
SalienItem = 10
Sticker = 11
ChatEffect = 12
MiniProfileBackground = 13
AvatarFrame = 14
AnimatedAvatar = 15
SteamDeckKeyboardSkin = 16
class steam.enums.proto.EContentCheckProvider

An enumeration.

Invalid = 0
Google = 1
Amazon = 2
Local = 3
class steam.enums.proto.ECPUGovernor

An enumeration.

Invalid = 0
Perf = 1
Powersave = 2
Manual = 3
class steam.enums.proto.EExternalAccountType

An enumeration.

EExternalNone = 0
EExternalSteamAccount = 1
EExternalGoogleAccount = 2
EExternalFacebookAccount = 3
EExternalTwitterAccount = 4
EExternalTwitchAccount = 5
EExternalYouTubeChannelAccount = 6
EExternalFacebookPage = 7
class steam.enums.proto.EFrameAccumulatedStat

An enumeration.

EFrameStatFPS = 0
EFrameStatCaptureDurationMS = 1
EFrameStatConvertDurationMS = 2
EFrameStatEncodeDurationMS = 3
EFrameStatSteamDurationMS = 4
EFrameStatServerDurationMS = 5
EFrameStatNetworkDurationMS = 6
EFrameStatDecodeDurationMS = 7
EFrameStatDisplayDurationMS = 8
EFrameStatClientDurationMS = 9
EFrameStatFrameDurationMS = 10
EFrameStatInputLatencyMS = 11
EFrameStatGameLatencyMS = 12
EFrameStatRoundTripLatencyMS = 13
EFrameStatPingTimeMS = 14
EFrameStatServerBitrateKbitPerSec = 15
EFrameStatClientBitrateKbitPerSec = 16
EFrameStatLinkBandwidthKbitPerSec = 17
EFrameStatPacketLossPercentage = 18
class steam.enums.proto.EGameSearchAction

An enumeration.

Accept = 1
Cancel = 3
Decline = 2
None = 0
class steam.enums.proto.EGameSearchResult

An enumeration.

Invalid = 0
SearchInProgress = 1
SearchFailedNoHosts = 2
SearchGameFound = 3
SearchCompleteAccepted = 4
SearchCompleteDeclined = 5
SearchCanceled = 6
class steam.enums.proto.EGetChannelsAlgorithm

An enumeration.

Default = 1
Friends = 2
Featured = 3
Developer = 4
Following = 5
class steam.enums.proto.EGetGamesAlgorithm

An enumeration.

Default = 1
MostPlayed = 2
PopularNew = 3
class steam.enums.proto.EGPUPerformanceLevel

An enumeration.

Invalid = 0
Auto = 1
Manual = 2
Low = 3
High = 4
Profiling = 5
class steam.enums.proto.EGraphicsPerfOverlayLevel

An enumeration.

Hidden = 0
Basic = 1
Medium = 2
Full = 3
Minimal = 4
class steam.enums.proto.EInternalAccountType

An enumeration.

EInternalSteamAccountType = 1
EInternalClanType = 2
EInternalAppType = 3
EInternalBroadcastChannelType = 4
class steam.enums.proto.EKeyEscrowUsage

An enumeration.

EKeyEscrowUsageStreamingDevice = 0
class steam.enums.proto.ELobbyStatus

An enumeration.

ELobbyStatusInvalid = 0
ELobbyStatusExists = 1
ELobbyStatusDoesNotExist = 2
ELobbyStatusNotAMember = 3
class steam.enums.proto.ELogFileType

An enumeration.

ELogFileSystemBoot = 0
ELogFileSystemReset = 1
ELogFileSystemDebug = 2
class steam.enums.proto.EMarketingMessageAssociationType

An enumeration.

EMarketingMessageNoAssociation = 0
EMarketingMessageAppAssociation = 1
EMarketingMessageSubscriptionAssociation = 2
EMarketingMessagePublisherAssociation = 3
EMarketingMessageGenreAssociation = 4
EMarketingMessageBundleAssociation = 5
class steam.enums.proto.EMarketingMessageLookupType

An enumeration.

EMarketingMessageLookupInvalid = 0
EMarketingMessageLookupByGID = 1
EMarketingMessageLookupActive = 2
EMarketingMessageLookupByTitleWithType = 3
EMarketingMessageLookupByGIDList = 4
class steam.enums.proto.EMarketingMessageType

An enumeration.

EMarketingMessageInvalid = 0
EMarketingMessageNowAvailable = 1
EMarketingMessageWeekendDeal = 2
EMarketingMessagePrePurchase = 3
EMarketingMessagePlayNow = 4
EMarketingMessagePreloadNow = 5
EMarketingMessageGeneral = 6
EMarketingMessageDemoQuit = 7
EMarketingMessageGifting = 8
EMarketingMessageEJsKorner = 9
class steam.enums.proto.EMarketingMessageVisibility

An enumeration.

EMarketingMessageVisibleBeta = 1
EMarketingMessageVisiblePublic = 2
class steam.enums.proto.EMessageReactionType

An enumeration.

Invalid = 0
Emoticon = 1
Sticker = 2
class steam.enums.proto.ENotificationSetting

An enumeration.

ENotificationSettingNotifyUseDefault = 0
ENotificationSettingAlways = 1
ENotificationSettingNever = 2
class steam.enums.proto.EOSBranch

An enumeration.

Unknown = 0
Release = 1
ReleaseCandidate = 2
Beta = 3
BetaCandidate = 4
Main = 5
class steam.enums.proto.EPlaytestStatus

An enumeration.

ETesterStatusNone = 0
ETesterStatusPending = 1
ETesterStatusInvited = 2
ETesterStatusGranted = 3
class steam.enums.proto.EProfileCustomizationStyle

An enumeration.

EProfileCustomizationStyleDefault = 0
EProfileCustomizationStyleSelected = 1
EProfileCustomizationStyleRarest = 2
EProfileCustomizationStyleMostRecent = 3
EProfileCustomizationStyleRandom = 4
EProfileCustomizationStyleHighestRated = 5
class steam.enums.proto.EProfileCustomizationType

An enumeration.

EProfileCustomizationTypeInvalid = 0
EProfileCustomizationTypeRareAchievementShowcase = 1
EProfileCustomizationTypeGameCollector = 2
EProfileCustomizationTypeItemShowcase = 3
EProfileCustomizationTypeTradeShowcase = 4
EProfileCustomizationTypeBadges = 5
EProfileCustomizationTypeFavoriteGame = 6
EProfileCustomizationTypeScreenshotShowcase = 7
EProfileCustomizationTypeCustomText = 8
EProfileCustomizationTypeFavoriteGroup = 9
EProfileCustomizationTypeRecommendation = 10
EProfileCustomizationTypeWorkshopItem = 11
EProfileCustomizationTypeMyWorkshop = 12
EProfileCustomizationTypeArtworkShowcase = 13
EProfileCustomizationTypeVideoShowcase = 14
EProfileCustomizationTypeGuides = 15
EProfileCustomizationTypeMyGuides = 16
EProfileCustomizationTypeAchievements = 17
EProfileCustomizationTypeGreenlight = 18
EProfileCustomizationTypeMyGreenlight = 19
EProfileCustomizationTypeSalien = 20
EProfileCustomizationTypeLoyaltyRewardReactions = 21
EProfileCustomizationTypeSingleArtworkShowcase = 22
EProfileCustomizationTypeAchievementsCompletionist = 23
class steam.enums.proto.EProtoExecutionSite

An enumeration.

EProtoExecutionSiteUnknown = 0
EProtoExecutionSiteSteamClient = 2
class steam.enums.proto.EProvideDeckFeedbackPreference

An enumeration.

Unset = 0
Yes = 1
No = 2
class steam.enums.proto.EPublishedFileForSaleStatus

An enumeration.

PFFSS_NotForSale = 0
PFFSS_PendingApproval = 1
PFFSS_ApprovedForSale = 2
PFFSS_RejectedForSale = 3
PFFSS_NoLongerForSale = 4
PFFSS_TentativeApproval = 5
class steam.enums.proto.EPublishedFileRevision

An enumeration.

Default = 0
Latest = 1
ApprovedSnapshot = 2
ApprovedSnapshot_China = 3
RejectedSnapshot = 4
RejectedSnapshot_China = 5
class steam.enums.proto.EPublishedFileStorageSystem

An enumeration.

EPublishedFileStorageSystemInvalid = 0
EPublishedFileStorageSystemLegacyCloud = 1
EPublishedFileStorageSystemDepot = 2
EPublishedFileStorageSystemUGCCloud = 3
class steam.enums.proto.EScalingFilter

An enumeration.

Invalid = 0
FSR = 1
Nearest = 2
Integer = 3
Linear = 4
NIS = 5
class steam.enums.proto.ESDCardFormatStage

An enumeration.

Invalid = 0
Starting = 1
Testing = 2
Rescuing = 3
Formatting = 4
Finalizing = 5
class steam.enums.proto.ESessionPersistence

An enumeration.

Invalid = -1
Ephemeral = 0
Persistent = 1
class steam.enums.proto.ESteamDeckCompatibilityCategory

An enumeration.

Unknown = 0
Unsupported = 1
Playable = 2
Verified = 3
class steam.enums.proto.ESteamDeckCompatibilityFeedback

An enumeration.

Unset = 0
Agree = 1
Disagree = 2
Ignore = 3
class steam.enums.proto.ESteamDeckCompatibilityResultDisplayType

An enumeration.

Invisible = 0
Informational = 1
Unsupported = 2
Playable = 3
Verified = 4
class steam.enums.proto.ESteamTVContentTemplate

An enumeration.

Invalid = 0
Takeover = 1
SingleGame = 2
GameList = 3
QuickExplore = 4
ConveyorBelt = 5
WatchParty = 6
Developer = 7
Event = 8
class steam.enums.proto.EStorageBlockContentType

An enumeration.

Invalid = 0
Unknown = 1
FileSystem = 2
Crypto = 3
Raid = 4
class steam.enums.proto.EStorageBlockFileSystemType

An enumeration.

Invalid = 0
Unknown = 1
VFat = 2
Ext4 = 3
class steam.enums.proto.EStoreAppType

An enumeration.

Game = 0
Demo = 1
Mod = 2
Movie = 3
DLC = 4
Guide = 5
Software = 6
Video = 7
Series = 8
Episode = 9
Hardware = 10
Music = 11
Beta = 12
Tool = 13
Advertising = 14
class steam.enums.proto.EStoreCategoryType

An enumeration.

Category = 0
SupportedPlayers = 1
Feature = 2
ControllerSupport = 3
CloudGaming = 4
MAX = 5
class steam.enums.proto.EStoreDiscoveryQueueType

An enumeration.

EStoreDiscoveryQueueTypeNew = 0
EStoreDiscoveryQueueTypeComingSoon = 1
EStoreDiscoveryQueueTypeRecommended = 2
EStoreDiscoveryQueueTypeEveryNewRelease = 3
EStoreDiscoveryQueueTypeMLRecommender = 5
EStoreDiscoveryQueueTypeWishlistOnSale = 6
EStoreDiscoveryQueueTypeDLC = 7
EStoreDiscoveryQueueTypeDLCOnSale = 8
EStoreDiscoveryQueueTypeRecommendedComingSoon = 9
EStoreDiscoveryQueueTypeRecommendedFree = 10
EStoreDiscoveryQueueTypeRecommendedOnSale = 11
EStoreDiscoveryQueueTypeRecommendedDemos = 12
EStoreDiscoveryQueueTypeDLCNewReleases = 13
EStoreDiscoveryQueueTypeDLCTopSellers = 14
EStoreDiscoveryQueueTypeMAX = 15
class steam.enums.proto.EStoreItemType

An enumeration.

Invalid = -1
App = 0
Package = 1
Bundle = 2
Mtx = 3
class steam.enums.proto.EStreamActivity

An enumeration.

EStreamActivityIdle = 1
EStreamActivityGame = 2
EStreamActivityDesktop = 3
EStreamActivitySecureDesktop = 4
EStreamActivityMusic = 5
class steam.enums.proto.EStreamAudioCodec

An enumeration.

EStreamAudioCodecNone = 0
EStreamAudioCodecRaw = 1
EStreamAudioCodecVorbis = 2
EStreamAudioCodecOpus = 3
EStreamAudioCodecMP3 = 4
EStreamAudioCodecAAC = 5
class steam.enums.proto.EStreamBitrate

An enumeration.

EStreamBitrateAutodetect = -1
EStreamBitrateUnlimited = 0
class steam.enums.proto.EStreamChannel

An enumeration.

EStreamChannelInvalid = -1
EStreamChannelDiscovery = 0
EStreamChannelControl = 1
EStreamChannelStats = 2
EStreamChannelDataChannelStart = 3
class steam.enums.proto.EStreamColorspace

An enumeration.

Unknown = 0
BT601 = 1
BT601_Full = 2
BT709 = 3
BT709_Full = 4
class steam.enums.proto.EStreamControllerConfigMsg

An enumeration.

RequestConfigsForApp = 0
ConfigResponse = 1
PersonalizationResponse = 2
ActiveConfigChange = 3
RequestActiveConfig = 4
class steam.enums.proto.EStreamControlMessage

An enumeration.

EStreamControlAuthenticationRequest = 1
EStreamControlAuthenticationResponse = 2
EStreamControlNegotiationInit = 3
EStreamControlNegotiationSetConfig = 4
EStreamControlNegotiationComplete = 5
EStreamControlClientHandshake = 6
EStreamControlServerHandshake = 7
EStreamControlStartNetworkTest = 8
EStreamControlKeepAlive = 9
EStreamControl_LAST_SETUP_MESSAGE = 15
EStreamControlStartAudioData = 50
EStreamControlStopAudioData = 51
EStreamControlStartVideoData = 52
EStreamControlStopVideoData = 53
EStreamControlInputMouseMotion = 54
EStreamControlInputMouseWheel = 55
EStreamControlInputMouseDown = 56
EStreamControlInputMouseUp = 57
EStreamControlInputKeyDown = 58
EStreamControlInputKeyUp = 59
EStreamControlInputGamepadAttached_OBSOLETE = 60
EStreamControlInputGamepadEvent_OBSOLETE = 61
EStreamControlInputGamepadDetached_OBSOLETE = 62
EStreamControlShowCursor = 63
EStreamControlHideCursor = 64
EStreamControlSetCursor = 65
EStreamControlGetCursorImage = 66
EStreamControlSetCursorImage = 67
EStreamControlDeleteCursor = 68
EStreamControlSetTargetFramerate = 69
EStreamControlInputLatencyTest = 70
EStreamControlGamepadRumble_OBSOLETE = 71
EStreamControlOverlayEnabled = 74
EStreamControlInputControllerAttached_OBSOLETE = 75
EStreamControlInputControllerState_OBSOLETE = 76
EStreamControlTriggerHapticPulse_OBSOLETE = 77
EStreamControlInputControllerDetached_OBSOLETE = 78
EStreamControlVideoDecoderInfo = 80
EStreamControlSetTitle = 81
EStreamControlSetIcon = 82
EStreamControlQuitRequest = 83
EStreamControlSetQoS = 87
EStreamControlInputControllerWirelessPresence_OBSOLETE = 88
EStreamControlSetGammaRamp = 89
EStreamControlVideoEncoderInfo = 90
EStreamControlInputControllerStateHID_OBSOLETE = 93
EStreamControlSetTargetBitrate = 94
EStreamControlSetControllerPairingEnabled_OBSOLETE = 95
EStreamControlSetControllerPairingResult_OBSOLETE = 96
EStreamControlTriggerControllerDisconnect_OBSOLETE = 97
EStreamControlSetActivity = 98
EStreamControlSetStreamingClientConfig = 99
EStreamControlSystemSuspend = 100
EStreamControlSetControllerSettings_OBSOLETE = 101
EStreamControlVirtualHereRequest = 102
EStreamControlVirtualHereReady = 103
EStreamControlVirtualHereShareDevice = 104
EStreamControlSetSpectatorMode = 105
EStreamControlRemoteHID = 106
EStreamControlStartMicrophoneData = 107
EStreamControlStopMicrophoneData = 108
EStreamControlInputText = 109
EStreamControlTouchConfigActive = 110
EStreamControlGetTouchConfigData = 111
EStreamControlSetTouchConfigData = 112
EStreamControlSaveTouchConfigLayout = 113
EStreamControlTouchActionSetActive = 114
EStreamControlGetTouchIconData = 115
EStreamControlSetTouchIconData = 116
EStreamControlInputTouchFingerDown = 117
EStreamControlInputTouchFingerMotion = 118
EStreamControlInputTouchFingerUp = 119
EStreamControlSetCaptureSize = 120
EStreamControlSetFlashState = 121
EStreamControlPause = 122
EStreamControlResume = 123
EStreamControlEnableHighResCapture = 124
EStreamControlDisableHighResCapture = 125
EStreamControlToggleMagnification = 126
EStreamControlSetCapslock = 127
EStreamControlSetKeymap = 128
EStreamControlStopRequest = 129
EStreamControlTouchActionSetLayerAdded = 130
EStreamControlTouchActionSetLayerRemoved = 131
EStreamControlRemotePlayTogetherGroupUpdate = 132
EStreamControlSetInputTemporarilyDisabled = 133
EStreamControlSetQualityOverride = 134
EStreamControlSetBitrateOverride = 135
EStreamControlShowOnScreenKeyboard = 136
EStreamControlControllerConfigMsg = 137
class steam.enums.proto.EStreamDataMessage

An enumeration.

EStreamDataPacket = 1
EStreamDataLost = 2
class steam.enums.proto.EStreamDiscoveryMessage

An enumeration.

EStreamDiscoveryPingRequest = 1
EStreamDiscoveryPingResponse = 2
class steam.enums.proto.EStreamFrameEvent

An enumeration.

EStreamInputEventStart = 0
EStreamInputEventSend = 1
EStreamInputEventRecv = 2
EStreamInputEventQueued = 3
EStreamInputEventHandled = 4
EStreamFrameEventStart = 5
EStreamFrameEventCaptureBegin = 6
EStreamFrameEventCaptureEnd = 7
EStreamFrameEventConvertBegin = 8
EStreamFrameEventConvertEnd = 9
EStreamFrameEventEncodeBegin = 10
EStreamFrameEventEncodeEnd = 11
EStreamFrameEventSend = 12
EStreamFrameEventRecv = 13
EStreamFrameEventDecodeBegin = 14
EStreamFrameEventDecodeEnd = 15
EStreamFrameEventUploadBegin = 16
EStreamFrameEventUploadEnd = 17
EStreamFrameEventComplete = 18
class steam.enums.proto.EStreamFramerateLimiter

An enumeration.

EStreamFramerateSlowCapture = 1
EStreamFramerateSlowConvert = 2
EStreamFramerateSlowEncode = 4
EStreamFramerateSlowNetwork = 8
EStreamFramerateSlowDecode = 16
EStreamFramerateSlowGame = 32
EStreamFramerateSlowDisplay = 64
class steam.enums.proto.EStreamFrameResult

An enumeration.

EStreamFrameResultPending = 0
EStreamFrameResultDisplayed = 1
EStreamFrameResultDroppedNetworkSlow = 2
EStreamFrameResultDroppedNetworkLost = 3
EStreamFrameResultDroppedDecodeSlow = 4
EStreamFrameResultDroppedDecodeCorrupt = 5
EStreamFrameResultDroppedLate = 6
EStreamFrameResultDroppedReset = 7
class steam.enums.proto.EStreamHostPlayAudioPreference

An enumeration.

EStreamHostPlayAudioDefault = 0
EStreamHostPlayAudioAlways = 1
class steam.enums.proto.EStreamingDataType

An enumeration.

EStreamingAudioData = 0
EStreamingVideoData = 1
EStreamingMicrophoneData = 2
class steam.enums.proto.EStreamMouseButton

An enumeration.

EStreamMouseButtonLeft = 1
EStreamMouseButtonRight = 2
EStreamMouseButtonMiddle = 16
EStreamMouseButtonX1 = 32
EStreamMouseButtonX2 = 64
EStreamMouseButtonUnknown = 4096
class steam.enums.proto.EStreamMouseWheelDirection

An enumeration.

EStreamMouseWheelUp = 120
EStreamMouseWheelDown = -120
EStreamMouseWheelLeft = 3
EStreamMouseWheelRight = 4
class steam.enums.proto.EStreamP2PScope

An enumeration.

EStreamP2PScopeAutomatic = 0
EStreamP2PScopeDisabled = 1
EStreamP2PScopeOnlyMe = 2
EStreamP2PScopeFriends = 3
EStreamP2PScopeEveryone = 4
class steam.enums.proto.EStreamQualityPreference

An enumeration.

EStreamQualityAutomatic = -1
EStreamQualityFast = 1
EStreamQualityBalanced = 2
EStreamQualityBeautiful = 3
class steam.enums.proto.EStreamStatsMessage

An enumeration.

EStreamStatsFrameEvents = 1
EStreamStatsDebugDump = 2
EStreamStatsLogMessage = 3
EStreamStatsLogUploadBegin = 4
EStreamStatsLogUploadData = 5
EStreamStatsLogUploadComplete = 6
class steam.enums.proto.EStreamVersion

An enumeration.

EStreamVersionNone = 0
EStreamVersionCurrent = 1
class steam.enums.proto.EStreamVideoCodec

An enumeration.

EStreamVideoCodecNone = 0
EStreamVideoCodecRaw = 1
EStreamVideoCodecVP8 = 2
EStreamVideoCodecVP9 = 3
EStreamVideoCodecH264 = 4
EStreamVideoCodecHEVC = 5
EStreamVideoCodecORBX1 = 6
EStreamVideoCodecORBX2 = 7
class steam.enums.proto.ESystemAudioChannel

An enumeration.

SystemAudioChannel_Invalid = 0
SystemAudioChannel_Aggregated = 1
SystemAudioChannel_FrontLeft = 2
SystemAudioChannel_FrontRight = 3
SystemAudioChannel_LFE = 4
SystemAudioChannel_BackLeft = 5
SystemAudioChannel_BackRight = 6
SystemAudioChannel_FrontCenter = 7
SystemAudioChannel_Unknown = 8
SystemAudioChannel_Mono = 9
class steam.enums.proto.ESystemAudioDirection

An enumeration.

SystemAudioDirection_Invalid = 0
SystemAudioDirection_Input = 1
SystemAudioDirection_Output = 2
class steam.enums.proto.ESystemAudioPortDirection

An enumeration.

SystemAudioPortDirection_Invalid = 0
SystemAudioPortDirection_Input = 1
SystemAudioPortDirection_Output = 2
class steam.enums.proto.ESystemAudioPortType

An enumeration.

SystemAudioPortType_Invalid = 0
SystemAudioPortType_Unknown = 1
SystemAudioPortType_Audio32f = 2
SystemAudioPortType_Midi8b = 3
SystemAudioPortType_Video32RGBA = 4
class steam.enums.proto.ESystemFanControlMode

An enumeration.

SystemFanControlMode_Invalid = 0
SystemFanControlMode_Disabled = 1
SystemFanControlMode_Default = 2
class steam.enums.proto.ESystemServiceState

An enumeration.

Unavailable = 0
Disabled = 1
Enabled = 2
class steam.enums.proto.ETextFilterSetting

An enumeration.

ETextFilterSettingSteamLabOptedOut = 0
ETextFilterSettingEnabled = 1
ETextFilterSettingEnabledAllowProfanity = 2
ETextFilterSettingDisabled = 3
class steam.enums.proto.ETouchGesture

An enumeration.

ETouchGestureNone = 0
ETouchGestureTouch = 1
ETouchGestureTap = 2
ETouchGestureDoubleTap = 3
ETouchGestureShortPress = 4
ETouchGestureLongPress = 5
ETouchGestureLongTap = 6
ETouchGestureTwoFingerTap = 7
ETouchGestureTapCancelled = 8
ETouchGesturePinchBegin = 9
ETouchGesturePinchUpdate = 10
ETouchGesturePinchEnd = 11
ETouchGestureFlingStart = 12
ETouchGestureFlingCancelled = 13
class steam.enums.proto.EUpdaterState

An enumeration.

Invalid = 0
UpToDate = 2
Checking = 3
Available = 4
Applying = 5
ClientRestartPending = 6
SystemRestartPending = 7
class steam.enums.proto.EUpdaterType

An enumeration.

Invalid = 0
Client = 1
OS = 2
BIOS = 3
Aggregated = 4
Test1 = 5
Test2 = 6
Dummy = 7
class steam.enums.proto.EUserReviewScore

An enumeration.

Mixed = 5
MostlyNegative = 4
MostlyPositive = 6
Negative = 3
None = 0
OverwhelminglyNegative = 1
OverwhelminglyPositive = 9
Positive = 7
VeryNegative = 2
VeryPositive = 8
class steam.enums.proto.EUserReviewScorePreference

An enumeration.

Unset = 0
IncludeAll = 1
ExcludeBombs = 2
class steam.enums.proto.EVideoFormat

An enumeration.

EVideoFormatNone = 0
EVideoFormatYV12 = 1
EVideoFormatAccel = 2