User guide

Welcome to the quick start section. The aim here is to give you a very quick overview of the functionality available in the steam module.


SteamID can be used to convert the universal steam id to its’ various representations.


SteamID is immutable as it inherits from int.

Converting between representations

>>> from steam.steamid import SteamID

>>> SteamID()
SteamID(id=0, type='Invalid', universe='Invalid', instance=0)

>>> SteamID(12345)  # accountid
>>> SteamID('12345')
>>> SteamID('STEAM_1:1:6172')  # steam2
SteamID(id=12345, type='Individual', universe='Public', instance=1)

>>> SteamID(103582791429521412)  # steam64
>>> SteamID('103582791429521412')
>>> SteamID('[g:1:4]')  # steam3
SteamID(id=4, type='Clan', universe='Public', instance=0)
>>> group = SteamID('[g:1:4]')
>>>  # accountid
>>> group.as_32  # accountid
>>> group.as_64
>>> int(group)
>>> str(group)
>>> group.as_steam2 # only works for 'Individual' accounts
>>> group.as_steam3
>>> group.community_url

Resolving community urls to SteamID

The steam.steamid submodule provides function to resolve community urls. Here are some examples:

>>> SteamID.from_url('')
>>> steam.steamid.from_url('')
SteamID(id=8193745, type='Individual', universe='Public', instance=1)

>>> steam.steamid.steam64_from_url('')


WebAPI is a thin Wrapper around Steam Web API. Requires API Key. Upon initialization the instance will fetch all available interfaces and populate the namespace.

Obtaining a key

Any steam user can get a key by visiting The only requirement is that the user has verified their email. Then the key can be used on the public WebAPI. See steam.webapi.APIHost


Interface availability depends on the key. Unless the schema is loaded manually.

Calling an endpoint

>>> from steam.webapi import WebAPI
>>> api = WebAPI(key="<your api key>")

# instance.<interface>.<method>
>>> api.ISteamWebAPIUtil.GetServerInfo()
{u'servertimestring': u'Sun Jul 05 22:37:25 2015', u'servertime': 1436161045}

>>> api.ISteamUser.ResolveVanityURL(vanityurl="valve", url_type=2)
>>>'ISteamUser.ResolveVanityURL', vanityurl="valve", url_type=2)
{u'response': {u'steamid': u'103582791429521412', u'success': 1}}

# call a specific version of the method
>>> api.ISteamUser.ResolveVanityURL_v1(vanityurl="valve", url_type=2)
>>>'ISteamUser.ResolveVanityURL_v1', vanityurl="valve", url_type=2)

It’s not necessary to provide the key when calling any interface method. key, format, raw, http_timeout parameters can be specified on WebAPI to affect all method calls, or when calling a specific method. Some methods have parameters which need to be a list. Trying to call nonexistent method will raise an AttributeError.

Supported formats by web api are: json (default), vdf, xml The response will be deserialized using the appropriate module unless raw is True.

WebAPI documentation

>>> api.ISteamUser.ResolveVanityURL.__doc__  # method doc
ResolveVanityURL (v0001)

    key                       string   required
      - access key
    url_type                  int32    optional
      - The type of vanity URL. 1 (default): Individual profile, 2: Group, 3: Official game group
    vanityurl                 string   required
      - The vanity URL to get a SteamID for


# or calling doc() will print it
>>> api.ISteamUser.ResolveVanityURL.doc()  # method doc
>>> api.ISteamUser.doc()  # interface and all methods
>>> api.doc()  # all available interfaces

For a more complete list of all available interfaces and methods visit:


gevent based implementation for interacting with the Steam network. The library comes with some Steam client features implemented, see client for more details.

CLI example

In this example, the user will be prompted for credential and once logged in will the account name. After that we logout.

from steam.steamid import SteamClient
from steam.enums.emsg import EMsg

client = SteamClient()

def print_vac_status(msg):
    print("Number of VAC Bans: %s" % msg.body.numBans)


print("Logged on as: %s" %
print("Community profile: %s" % client.steam_id.community_url)
print("Last logon: %s" % client.user.last_logon)
print("Last logoff: %s" % client.user.last_logoff)
print("Number of friends: %d" % len(client.friends))


You can find more examples at

Sending a message

Example of sending a protobuf message and handling the response. send_message_and_wait() will send a message and block until the specified event.

from steam.enums import EResult
from steam.core.msg import MsgProto
from steam.enums.emsg import EMsg

message = MsgProto(EMsg.ClientAddFriend)
message.body.steamid_to_add = 76561197960265728

resp = client.send_message_and_wait(message, EMsg.ClientAddFriendResponse)

if resp.eresult == EResult.OK:
    print "Send a friend request to %s (%d)" % (repr(resp.body.persona_name_added),
    print "Error: %s" % EResult(resp.eresult)

Alternatively, a callback can be registered to handle the response event every time.

def handle_add_response(msg):
# OR
client.on(EMsg.ClientAddFriendResponse, handle_add_response)

Web Authentication

There are currently two paths for gaining access to steam websites. Either using WebAuth, or via a SteamClient.get_web_session() instance.

session = client.get_web_session()  # returns requests.Session

For more details about WebAuth, see steam.webauth